New User
Nov 13, 2006, 4:07 AM
Post #9 of 9
Re: [Bantam] Panasonic CT-36HX42F
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I purchased this same model used about 8 months ago. It's working great until tonight. After some troubleshooting, I've determined that the TV itself is now producing (vs. the cable signal) a "band of fuss". That's right...the center 1/3 (running top to bottom) is blurry. It's especially noticable with the HD channels. I'm watching football, and only the outsides are clear and crisp as they should be. I can barely read the text showing the scores shown on the bottom (since they are in the center), but the text on the sides is as you would normally see. As I watch the 1/2 time show, the picture quality in the middle is similiar to non-HD resolution. I need help! Since I bought it used, and the warranty would've expired anyway, I don't want to spend $300 to fix this thing (nor do I want to lug this 217 lbs beast downstairs and out to a repair shop). I'd rather go buy a 50-70" HD flat screen! I'll be calling Panasonic tech support tomorrow, but welcome any insight. If you recognise the problem...and know the fix, please let me know! TIA, Terry