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Mar 4, 2018, 3:07 AM
Post #1 of 1
Panasonic P42G20 Problem
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Hi everyone! I have a P42G20B with a serious and strange problem. It works fine when you first turn it on, no issues with the screen at all but it only works properly for a few minutes. Here's a Youtube video (not posted by me, but exactly the same issue) of what it does after a few minutes of use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?2=&v=va6CQNBfTEs When this happens (using HDMI) the sound stays on fine but the picture goes..like this. I can pull all input leads out and it obviously cuts the sound off but that picture still stays on the screen. Turn the TV off, turn it on again, it's fine for a few minutes then it does it again. I've got an older Panasonic 37 inch Plasma which works fine and I've used all equipment with it with no problems so the fault is certainly the TV itself. I've taken the back off and noticed what I believe to be the power supply board (big square one in the middle with the separate power input connected to it) makes a high pitched whining noise which kicks in when the fault occurs, so I'm wondering if that needs replacing? The inputs appear to be fine, sound is fine, the screen itself is obviously fine or it wouldnt work for those few moments. It seems to trigger when it gets warm. The longer you leave it turned off; the longer it takes to develop the fault each time. Any insight, suggestions and help would be appreciated. Many thanks!