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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Panasonic PT-51hx41e



New User

May 3, 2011, 9:26 PM

Post #1 of 17 (5838 views)
Panasonic PT-51hx41e Can't Post

Panasonic PT-51hx41e 51" projection HDTV. Screen has a blue shadow to the left side of the entire picture. Pretty sure something got bumped while moving. How can I realign the projectors? If i can.


May 3, 2011, 11:36 PM

Post #2 of 17 (5826 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


OR , you could take a pix , post it here & let US look at it for FREE...
Sounds like a plan to me...
Price is CERTAINLY a LOT cheaper....Smile...Smile....

Get your
FREE service Manual IF you need it here;=>...

OR the smaller version here;=>...

IF you have a problem downloading the manual , post HERE & I WILL give you help to get it..
Certainly blows , $13.61 for the manual & then $7.99 to Fletcher for advice that you may not be able to use , right outta the water !!!!
Can you take & post pix ???


Nice try , davesmith.... Unsure....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on May 3, 2011, 11:38 PM)

New User

May 4, 2011, 9:27 PM

Post #3 of 17 (5808 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

This is a common problem with all projection TV sets. Do some google searches on "Convergence Repair".

When the convergence fails the TV will look 3D, have shadows, etc. Try to adjust it back using your remote...if you cannot adjust red and blue and re-align the colors the convergence needs to be fixed. You can DIY or call in a shop.
Hope this Helps,



May 4, 2011, 10:37 PM

Post #4 of 17 (5804 views)
Re: [tvrepairkits] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


You seem very knowledgeable in TV repair as you are here pushing repair kits with your link...
The problem I have now is that there is NOT a shread of proof that he has a convergence problem....
IF you noticed , he says that the Screen has a blue shadow to the left side of the entire picture....
The rest of the pix is apparently OK....
That could be a convergence problem , but also can be something else since it happened when he moved the set...
A genuine convergence problem has NOT YET been confirmed...
There is the possibility that while moving the TV something could have gotten across one of the lenses to give the pix a blue cast on the left side...
IF & WHEN "Darseravus" replies & I hope he does , it would be nice to see pix of EXACTLY what his problem is...
Then we all can be honest & not guessing with our advice...

In the meantime , please refrain from pushing TV repair parts...
This is NOT eBay OR Craigslist...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 4, 2011, 10:56 PM

Post #5 of 17 (5801 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi Ron, I just offered one possibility for the problem he is having and also offered up a method to do a quick test.

With that said I do agree that this may be a side effect from moving the set. If it was jarred around or layed down during the move it can mess these beasts up.
Hope this Helps,


New User

May 6, 2011, 1:03 AM

Post #6 of 17 (5782 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

Well sadly I dont have a camera that works at the moment but i can give more details. Split the screen into 3 sections left/middle/right. in the middle the picture is fine, no shadow or anything else. but on the left and right sides is where the "shadow" is. and the shadow is about half an inch to the left of the picture on both the sides. hope that helps some.


May 6, 2011, 2:24 AM

Post #7 of 17 (5778 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


What took you so long ????

It would be GREAT if you had a camera...
While you description does help , it is NOT positive proof....
Does the "shadow" look something like the "3D" thing others refer to ???

In the meantime go here & see if anything there looks like your set;=>...
Click on the small pix to get the larger version in the center pix...
When you roll your mouse over the small pix, it gives you the brand....
There are several Panasonic representive pix there...

Post back with what you find out....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 9, 2011, 1:54 AM

Post #8 of 17 (5762 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

after looking through those pics, id have to say that it looks like number 10. but without the curving in the middle, and the shadow is also not happening in the middle


May 9, 2011, 5:12 PM

Post #9 of 17 (5753 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


How much electronic/TV repair background experience do you have ????
Do you have any soldering/desoldering experience ???
& the tools for it ????
Did this problem show up as a result of moving the set ???

In the pix below;...(#10 as you said)(Even tho it's for Hitachi)...

Disregarding the blue curving in the middle , is the rest of the pix the SAME as what you have ???
It's basically the red & green that you have a problem with ???
Are ALL the lines straight OR curved ???
In the pix above , the red & green are not converged & one has a slight curve...
Is that the SAME as what you have ????
When you say "shadow" , is it really a colored line as the blue is in the pix above ???

While others may question my questions , your problem does look like a convergence problem .....
However , there's more than one way to skin a squirrel...
(Can't say "cat" or jts1957 will KILL me)...Wink
So it depends on your answers....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 12, 2011, 10:37 PM

Post #10 of 17 (5728 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

I've repaired a few computers but not monitors. and as for sodering equipment...i can get ahold of that.

the rest of the color and picture is fine. its just that blue to the side of the picture. but my tv only has it on the right and left sides of the entire screen


May 13, 2011, 6:09 PM

Post #11 of 17 (5718 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


I'm not clear on what you want us to do for you here....

Your question;=>...

How can I realign the projectors? If i can.

Are you wanting to adjust the set using the remote ONLY ????

My questions;=>...

How much electronic/TV repair background experience do you have ????
Did this problem show up as a result of moving the set ???
Are ALL the lines straight OR curved ???
In the pix above , the red & green are not converged & one has a slight curve...
Is that the SAME as what you have ????
When you say "shadow" , is it really a colored line as the blue is in the pix above ???

You ignored some of those & gave a skimpy answer to one of the others...

IF you give less than full & honest , vague info or no info , or skip the question entirely , fine....
I can give you skimpy help & omit details that will make it tough for you....
Two can play that game....

Your call.....

Follow-up questions;->...
Define EXACTLY what you mean by "shadows"...
Do you mean lines or a haze across the pix ???
Have you tried to converge the pix using the customer menu ???
IF not try it & post results....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 20, 2011, 4:58 PM

Post #12 of 17 (5675 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

i was finally able to get a camera and so i took a pic. u can see it here at:

hopefully this helps


May 20, 2011, 5:44 PM

Post #13 of 17 (5672 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


Facebook says;=>....
""This content is currently unavailable..
The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.""

How about you go to OR .....
Sign up , upload pix , copy & paste here...
BOTH sites are FREE to use...
IF you need ANY help using either one , just post & I'll give you detailed info how to do it...
Image shack is the better of the 2...
OR use another site more to your likeing...

These questions MUST be answered...
Did this problem show up as a result of moving the set ???
Have you tried to converge the pix using the customer menu ???
IF not try it & post results....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 21, 2011, 11:21 PM

Post #14 of 17 (5660 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

By [URL=]darseravus at 2011-05-21 hope this helps


May 22, 2011, 1:53 AM

Post #15 of 17 (5653 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


You dood it !!!!....THANK you !!!...

OK....I see what I'm almost certain is a convergence IC problem....
I need a better answer for this;=>....""Do you have any soldering/desoldering experience ???"""

This IS the 3rd time I've asked this question;=>...
"""Did this problem show up as a result of moving the set ???"""
I'm getting a little pissed you are NOT answering it...
I wll not go ANY further till you do...

I need one more pix...
Go to the customer menu & find Convergence adjustments...
IF you have adjustments that are for Red to Green & another adjustment for Blue to Green , click on Blue to Green...
There should be a lot of crosses onscreen...
Do NOT adjust ANYTHING ...
Take a pix of the Blue & Green crosses & post it...

THANKS again.....Sly.....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

May 23, 2011, 5:55 PM

Post #16 of 17 (5636 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post

in answer to ur questions

no i do not have any soldering/desoldering experience

As far as my knowledge goes the picture was fine before we moved it to where it is now.

And sorry to say but the remote that was givin to me only lets me use a few of the number buttons, the on/off switch and the volume/channel buttons


May 23, 2011, 6:32 PM

Post #17 of 17 (5635 views)
Re: [Darseravus] Panasonic PT-51hx41e [In reply to] Can't Post


I've repaired a few computers but not monitors.

We/you may have a problem here....

Are you wanting to adjust/repair the set using the remote ONLY ????
If so , we/you have a bigger problem here...
Can't be done...

There is NO adjustment that will fix that without going inside the TV...

This problem involves disassembly of the TV & board/chassis removal to repair/replace parts that involve soldering/desoldering....
This talent you do not have...Sorry...
My advice to you would be to get someone with electronic/TV repair experience & have them look at your TV...
Tell them that the trouble appears to be in the convergence circuits...
Whether it be bad ICs OR just resoldering the convergence ICs , I can NOT diagnose that at this time with your limited knowledge...

im sorry to say but the remote that was givin to me only lets me use a few of the number buttons, the on/off switch and the volume/channel buttons

You should have pushbuttons on the front of the TV that will allow you to make any adjustment you want...

Try here for the user manual download for your TV:=>..
Then read the section on how to use front panel controls...

Good Luck....Sly.....

Have a GREAT day & week..Sly...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on May 23, 2011, 6:34 PM)


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