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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Panny RPTV



New User

Apr 16, 2007, 6:40 AM

Post #1 of 5 (996 views)
Panny RPTV Can't Post

I recently took the guns out disassembled, cleaned with alcohol and refilled with new coolant. While the unit was apart, I took the chassis out and blew off all the dust with air compressor.
When I reassembled the unit I was getting a zapping sound from the flyback and it was interfering with the picture with like noise on the edges of bright areas. After a little research I discovered that dust can cause this with the right amount of moisture.
I took a closer look then saw that some dust balls joined around what looks like a fret with a heatsink attached right next to the flyback txfr. I took a Q-tip wet with alcohol and removed the dust.
Now when the tv is turned on I get a lite popping sound from the flyback. With this popping sound the the green and blue pic size is expanding then snaps back to where it is supposed to be. The brighter the color the faster the snaps are. As I turn down the brightness and contrast the snaps happen at a slower pace.
The red also affect the speed of the snapping but does not expand like the others?

Thanks in advance,

Attached is link to a video of it.


Apr 16, 2007, 6:10 PM

Post #2 of 5 (986 views)
Re: [daveyhouse] Panny RPTV [In reply to] Can't Post

sounds like you may have left an earthing wire off somewhere or damp has got into the flyback tx.look to see if you can see sparking (in a darkened room) coming from any high voltage points

New User

Apr 16, 2007, 6:34 PM

Post #3 of 5 (984 views)
Re: [techchris] Panny RPTV [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you for the reply it is much appreciated.

This is third set that I cleaned guns on. The last one I had to put new IC's in to fix convergence problems.

Only wires removed were ribbon plugs to chassis

I pulled boards from the back of the yokes so nothing was removed from there. Pulled wires from flyback divider.

I did unhook SVM while I was in there, but then hooked them back up after running into problems.

Humidity is not a problem (I don't think) I have no dew or frost on windows during winter months of dropping below zero outside.

In complete darkness I can see NO arking from or around flyback.

Any other ideas?

Thanks again,

P.S. Did you get a chance to look at the video?


Apr 17, 2007, 8:43 PM

Post #4 of 5 (965 views)
Re: [daveyhouse] Panny RPTV [In reply to] Can't Post

still think its an arcing problem. video looks like high voltage varies. recheck high voltage cables especially where they plug into tx and splitter.pic size varying with brightness content is usually tube earthing off or similar around high voltage points.

New User

Apr 18, 2007, 7:15 PM

Post #5 of 5 (956 views)
Re: [techchris] Panny RPTV [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks again for the reply,
I will check again when I have time should be within a week or two. I will report back with findings.



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