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Oct 3, 2020, 1:02 PM
Post #1 of 1
Philips backlight problem
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Hi all I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help on a project that I'm really stuck on I have a Philips LED 4K TV 43PUT4900/12 , the problem was 10 LED bulbs had blown I cannot get hold of the strips so I replaced the LEDs like-for-like (2.8v each) I used an LED tester and all the strips and LEDs work, 2 strips pull 27 volts and 3 strips full 27.8 volt that's 50 LEDs in total , but when I plug the LED back light plug into the power board the lights do not come on ?? so I tested the power board backlight output it has two red wires two black wires both red wires measure with a multimeter a steady 27.5 volt when the backlight is unplugged the power board still gives a steady 27.5 volt on each red wire but the backlight still will not come on,?? If there's anything I have missed or if you require more info please ask because I am absolutely stuck it makes no sense . Thanks