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Sep 22, 2006, 1:34 AM
Post #13 of 16
Re: [spotteddog] Phillips tv problem
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Look at the caps in the vertical section, I would use a variac 'Isolate HOT side of TV' and observe all safety instructions from the schematic. Then, use a can of freeze spray in the vertical area attach straw and spray on each cap in the vertical area, watch and wait about 30 seconds, if nothing changes move to the next cap, if its a bad cap you will see it correct itself, and then go back to being bad, if this is indeed the fix, then I would replace the bad part with exact part (I myself use 105c caps for hi-temp locations). If you try the above and still no fix, try freeze on the vertical output (usually a SIP type transistor array (11 to 18 pins in a single row configuration), cool it and see if it fixes it? If still no fix, use the variac (isolate the set) and start checking your voltages around the vertical area, careful not to short anything to anything, you can blow fuseable links if you short anything out. If you still can't get it fixed, you may need a scope and scope readings to diagnose the rest of the way, let us know what you find, sometimes the best of techs can find something new everday! Good Luck! hope this helps, be safe, observe safety, refer to schematics for safety proceedures. J.