Apr 26, 2008, 6:55 PM
Post #2 of 14
HI: 1. Yes, this sounds like you power supply/ deflection board. 2.the red and black cables don't come off the board, trace the wires to the other end, this is located in the front of the tv set near the speakers, pop off the front grill to get at this. The smaller wire pulls right off the focus block but the larger red wire in to the H.Voltage splitter needs to be turned C.C.W. and give it a sharp tug at the same time, this can be alittle tricky! These board do cause problems, likely your problem. 3. any RCA Dist. or parts out let has them 4. let me know I can give you the part # or get a board for you if if need them ! This is not a highly priced board.