
Jul 15, 2009, 10:16 PM
Post #5 of 5
Re: [RyanMoroz] RCA M61WH74S problem
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Now it sound like the problem you had all along is making noise, The buzzing is the berrings or a section of the color wheel has failed, most likly the berrings, when this color wheel slows down it will shut down the set, making you think the lamp is going bad. Now for the realy great news, this color wheel part number 271917 is No longer avalible. I have shearched all my suppliers and the web and have found no one that has one in stock However this color wheel does come with the light engine and there are a few light engines avalible out there (273011 ) but they start at 730.00 and go up Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.