New User
Oct 30, 2006, 4:25 AM
Post #1 of 2
With ctc169PT chassis, 13 years old. I accidently deleted my earlier post, (meant to edit-not delete) Here it is again: Bought the tv, brought it home, let it warm up for a few hours then plugged it in. Worked good for approx. 5 minutes then I heard 3 "snap" or "pop" sounds, then it was dead! When I plug it in, I hear about 10 or so faint clicks, thats it. I pulled the HV line off the splitter, didn't make any difference cuz there is no voltage on this line at all. This tells me I need a new flyback, correct? Also when I test T4101 (reg b+)I get 18vdc, T4007 (raw b+)I get 170vdc and when I ohm the HOT I get 1.4ohms. 1.4ohms no matter how I check it, c-e, b-e, b-c, etc.. So again, I need help! I took electronics in college so I understand most of this and as I do more, more comes back to me, but I need someone to guide me in the right direction, please?
(This post was edited by teroma25 on Oct 30, 2006, 4:32 AM)