New User
Jul 28, 2005, 3:03 PM
Post #1 of 1
Just picked up this oldie for $120!! At first it has a yellow tint to everything, and I mean yellow! All the picture settings were turned all maxed out (color, tint, brightness, black lvl, sharpness, etc). It turns out by lowering the tint to 3/4 and the black level to slightly under half, the colors would be close to what they're supposed to be. Here's my question: It looks like the TV was stored in a garage or somewhere- behind the plastic screen (monitor screen) I can see cobwebs here and there. There is a particularly large balled up one in the middle that forms a line that looks lie a crack. Anyone can tell me how I can get to the back of the projection screen to clean out the cobwebs? Also, although I am happy with the color, it still seems slightly blurry and of course, faded. Is this a function of the age of the set? Anything I can tweak to see if I can get better picture?