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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Red Flashes



New User

Jul 10, 2005, 11:21 AM

Post #1 of 1 (1655 views)
Red Flashes Can't Post

My JVC DVD player is hooked straight to my TV (Sharp 32U-F500) via Component cables and it works fine. If I hook up any other device to my TV with an s-video cable when I watch a DVD movie I get red flashes in the picture. I have tried switching out both the component cables and s-video cables. I have tried a different DVD player. I does not matter what is hooked up to my TV with the s-video cable it causes this a conflict with the component side of the TV. If I unplug the s-video cable it stops causing the problem immediately. I have tried changing everything out and no matter what if I use both the component and s-video cables I have this problem. It seems to be an issue with the TV. I made sure my DVD is set to 480I. I do not have this problem if I hook up my cable box with composite video cable. It’s not my cable box because it also does it if I hook up a second DVD player to the s-video cable. Has any one ever heard of this and if it is the TV is that going to be a major repair. The TV is less the 2 years old.

Sharp 32" TV 32U-F500
JVC DVD Player
Comcast DVR box
JVC Receiver
Monster Cables


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