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SHARP Repair Question



tv fix
New User

Jun 4, 2011, 4:06 PM

Post #1 of 5 (1355 views)
SHARP Repair Question Can't Post

Make : Sharp Aquos
Model: LC-C3237u
Age: 2 Years old

I am currently having a problem with the Sharp 32"' video output.

When I turn the TV on I get horizontal white bands which disappear several seconds later leaving me with a blank screen. After removing the back panel I noticed light emanating from the front display during this whole process and continued to stay on (makes me believe the screen is fine). I had tried to change the inverter board but this only changed the locations of the white lines on start up and nothing else. All other imports, sound, and remote work.

Thank you for your help, it i greatly appreciated as I have been trying to figure this one out for some time.


Repair man

Jun 6, 2011, 5:31 AM

Post #2 of 5 (1324 views)
Re: [tv fix] SHARP Repair Question [In reply to] Can't Post

I've had similar symptoms with either a bad Tcon board or a bad Main Signal board; the only way to tell for sure is to change them one at a time.


If you (or anyone reading this post) have any further questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me direct; you can find my email address by clicking on my user-name.

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tv fix
New User

Jun 16, 2011, 4:23 AM

Post #3 of 5 (1291 views)
Re: [Repair man] SHARP Repair Question [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you Repair man for your response. I have noticed a red light that blinks on the main input control board. I'm assuming this is my problem, but was unsure as to the reason the red light,

New User

Jun 17, 2011, 8:02 AM

Post #4 of 5 (1276 views)
Re: [tv fix] SHARP Repair Question [In reply to] Can't Post

90210 is going gay–again. Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello reported yesterday that the teen drama is set to out one of its male characters next season.

And unlike Adrianna’s brief foray into same-sex attraction, it sounds like this one’s going to stick. The CW has already narrowed it down to three options: surfer boy Liam, tennis stud Teddy, Underbelly seasons 1-3 dvd box set, and suave journalist Navid. At this point, we can’t do much more than speculate—so let’s do that.

Past heterosexual hook-ups: Naomi, Jen
Current romantic situation: Dumped Naomi, flirting heavily with Annie
Why it might be him: There’s a lot about Liam we don’t know. Isn’t it possible that his rebellious attitude might be a cover for the same-sex attraction he’s hiding? I wouldn’t love him any less. It could also explain why he and Naomi never really clicked, and why he hasn’t put the moves on Annie yet.
Why it might not be him: Despite his former bad boy behavior, Liam seems pretty comfortable with himself at this point. If he were hiding something so major, he’d probably be a lot less unsettled. And it’s no mystery why he and Naomi couldn’t make it work—she’s completely self-obsessed.

Sons of Anarchy dvd box set
Spooks 1-9 dvd

New User

Jun 17, 2011, 8:05 AM

Post #5 of 5 (1275 views)
Re: [homework] SHARP Repair Question [In reply to] Can't Post

Past heterosexual hook-ups: Adrianna, Spooks 1-9 dvd, Silver, countless Beverly babes
Current romantic situation: Happily coupled with Silver
Why it might be him: Overcompensate much? Teddy’s a total player—or he was in his pre-Silver days—and that could be because he loves the ladies. Or because he’s not willing to admit his real feelings. Plus, he’s got the most overbearing father of the bunch: It figures that he’d want to keep his sexuality on the DL.
Why it might not be him: It’s just as likely that Teddy’s a player because he likes the ladies and they like him. Of the three guys, it’s safe to assume that he’s had the most heterosexual sex. And why would he try so hard to win Silver’s heart if he wasn’t legitimately attracted to her?

Past heterosexual hook-ups: Adrianna, Spooks complete series, Lila
Current romantic situation: He just won Adrianna back—unless she decides to run off with Javier
Why it might be him: Back when 90210 first aired, Sons of Anarchy on dvd, there were rumors that Navid would be outed. But once his big secret was revealed, we realized he just had a major crush on Adrianna (kind of disappointing). If Adrianna does leave Beverly to join Javier on tour (unlikely), Navid could have the space to realize his true identity.
Why it might not be him: From a storytelling point of view, it doesn’t make a lot of sense. And it’s repetitive. Adrianna dates a girl, then her boyfriend dates a boy? Weak. Plus, Navid is one of the few characters whose love for women has been consistently portrayed as sincere. He’s not faking it.

My money’s on Liam, though Teddy’s a viable option, Sons of Anarchy collection, too. Which of these 90210 guys do you think is secretly gay?

Follow writer Louis Peitzman on Twitter: @LouisAtTVDotCom

Sons of Anarchy dvd box set
Spooks 1-9 dvd
Underbelly dvd 1-3
Friday Night Lights box set 1-5
The Game seasons 1-3 dvd box set


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