
Oct 28, 2010, 8:43 PM
Post #4 of 5
Alston518;..... One thing we don't cotton to here is cursing.... We are volunteers here who give our expertise & time to help people with their problems & NOT take abuse from folks like you.... jts1957 did NOT say ANYTHING inflamatory to OR at you personally.... NOT ONE nasty word !!!!....So cut the crap.... You've been with us since Aug , 27th over this SAME issue.... Over 2 MONTHS & you STILL haven't got the balls to get the bulb !!!! I , even tho I don't have the expertise , jumped in to try to help you.... Could i take a tobisha SHP87 bulb and swap it out with me Vivitek SHP87 bulb? That HAS to be tyhe DUMBEST question EVER !!!! When you go & buy a 60 watt lightbulb , does it matter who makes it ???? GE , Sylvania , generic ???? HELL NO !!!....What the difference is , is the quality.... From what I hear , Toshiba (tobisha ???) mops the floor with Vivitek.... Have fun & Good Luck..... .... Later...Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician