
Jul 5, 2009, 8:19 PM
Post #12 of 28
Re: [Rockstar] Samsung Convergence
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Rockstar;.... is it the ic chip not transfering the heat because of bad thermal paste causeing the solder to be hotter NOoooo!!....NOooo!!!...NOoooo!!!....That's NOT your problem....You have a bad connection somewhere!!!...Read on..... but this time if you push the heat sink one way it fixes it but other way makes it worse again. so would that mean the IC chip has a bad lead You "may" still have a bad connection on the board.... But , in my past experience, I've seen the IC's themselves act the same way as you describe... Possible bad internal connections inside the IC... I would suggest that you get a magnifying glass & take a good close look around where the conv IC's are mounted to the board... IF you can't find any bad or suspicious connections,I'd suggest you replace BOTH conv ICs with good replacements & NOT generics....Sanyo would be a good choice.... Good Luck.... ..... Later....Ron.M.... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Jul 5, 2009, 8:25 PM)