
Jan 11, 2007, 12:33 AM
Post #8 of 8
Re: [MOtvGuy] Samsung DLP calibrations
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With over 1000 diferant little adjustments that can be made and about 50 that will compleatly fuck it up why would you want to do this? And to get her "perfect" you will need a O-Spope a real good volt meater and a freq counter and don't forget the $5000.00 light analizer. Theswe adjustment are hidden for a reason first and formost is if you do deside to give her a little tweakin' it void any warrenty. And the second is why they are there, because not all componets are "exactly alike there are these adjustments to "calibrate" it. this is not done buy some little tech in the back room by the eye, it's done by quality contol with many pieces of test equipment. Third one is one wrong little tweek of the wrong adjustment and your tv dies. If you think that tweaking her around will make the Samsung look just like that real spendy Sony on the show room floor,,,,,, Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.