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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Samsung HCN4727W



New User

Jul 28, 2009, 6:43 PM

Post #1 of 17 (3360 views)
Samsung HCN4727W Can't Post

Hello everyone. I just aquired a Samsung 4727W Rear Projection TV. My Cousin gave it to me. He was trying to adjust the red beam and ended up cracking the mirror in the back of it. I tried looking on there site for a new mirror and no luck. I have downloaded the service manual and it list Mirror-front and mirror-back. I guess my first questions is, which mirror do i need. There is only one in the back of the TV? Also the blue gun seems to be pretty dull. Once i got the TV to somewhat work, tried to use the perfect focus, but thats not working. I think because the mirror is crack. So i went into the service mode and adjusted the red green beems. But the blue, i can bearly see. Could this be cause by the mirror or is the blue CRT going? Any help would be great. Please let me know if you need any information. I can also provide pictures if you would like to see what im talking about.
Thanks you,


Jul 28, 2009, 7:34 PM

Post #2 of 17 (3359 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

As far as mirror goes, make a "drawing" with all measurements, including thickness, and your local glass and mirror shop should be able to supply you with an appropriate replacement. Is the blue tube coolant contaminated?

Location: Far, Far Away

New User

Jul 28, 2009, 11:05 PM

Post #3 of 17 (3355 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Great thanks for the info. I was thinking about doing that, but i wasnt sure if it was a "special" mirror or if i can get one made.
I didnt know that the the TV had coolant for the CRT. How do i tell if its contanimated? I looked in the service manual and is doesnt say anything about coolant.


Jul 29, 2009, 1:56 AM

Post #4 of 17 (3349 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Also the blue gun seems to be pretty dull.

Or is CRT Bad (weak)? (or did your cousin turn down the blue screen?)

Location: Far, Far Away

New User

Jul 29, 2009, 2:20 AM

Post #5 of 17 (3346 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Im thinking that the blue is bad. You can only really see the blue like right in the middle of the screen. It gets duller as it goes towards the edge of the screen
you can see it here.


Jul 29, 2009, 3:43 AM

Post #6 of 17 (3344 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Have you cleaned all the glass (optics/mirrors, etc.)?
Since red/green are OK, should just need to check blue tube lens.

Location: Far, Far Away

New User

Jul 29, 2009, 4:43 AM

Post #7 of 17 (3339 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Well. I cleaned what i could. I took a pic of the blue tube, which now i see why its doing what its doing. if you go back to that previous link you can see the pic. I guess my next questions would be how do i clean this. All those smuges and stuff are under the glass. I tried to take it apart,but i dont want to break anything. Do i have to remove the whole tube out in order to clean that?


Jul 29, 2009, 10:43 AM

Post #8 of 17 (3332 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Can you post pix of Red screen/tube and Green screen/tube? (just like you did for blue).

Coolant contamination is rare, but possible:

HCN4727W : after replacing convergence ics stk392-040 convergence still off. perfect focas starts but don't fin, replace coolant and clean yellow looking slime on blue picture tube.

Tubes will disassemble - look at pictures in posts for Philips coolant change.

Location: Far, Far Away

(This post was edited by jts1957 on Jul 29, 2009, 10:48 AM)

New User

Jul 30, 2009, 6:07 AM

Post #9 of 17 (3322 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Great, thank you very much for you help with this. I will try cleaning everything up and retest everything and replace try replacing the coolant. Once i do this, i will repost and let you know how it turned out. Thanks again for your help

New User

Jul 30, 2009, 6:28 AM

Post #10 of 17 (3318 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

oh yeah, i put the tv back together, but when i had it apart the green one was pretty bad and the red one didnt look too bad. But all 3 had gunk in them or something. So I will def have to replace the fluid and get them all cleaned up. I looked at a post and found how to clean the guns out. So i will try that this weekend. I have ordered the coolant so hopefully i will have it by this weekend. I also am having a mirror made to replace the cracked on that is in it. Im hoping that this fixes everything as 30 dollars with of stuff to fix a 1500 tv isnt bad at all. Again thanks for all your help with this, i will def repost once everything is working


Jul 30, 2009, 7:47 AM

Post #11 of 17 (3316 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Red least/seldom effected. Careful to remove all coolant, clean very well, and don't cross-contaminate.

Location: Far, Far Away

New User

Sep 2, 2009, 4:20 PM

Post #12 of 17 (3229 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey. sry it took so long to reply..but i change the fluids in the guns, wow what a difference. Now i have another problem which was a problem before, but i was hoping the mirror would fix it. both my red and blue gun are messed up and im not sure what would cause it..if you look at this link you can see the bottom to pics are the crosshatch patterns for the blue and red. the white spot is just the flash
does anyone have any ideas of what it could be


Sep 2, 2009, 11:35 PM

Post #13 of 17 (3215 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post


HCN4727W : after replacing convergence ics stk392-040 convergence still off. perfect focas starts but don't fin, replace coolant and clean yellow looking slime on blue picture tube.

Also check the return resistors, B-Plus & fuses.

So i went into the service mode and adjusted the red green beems.

Plus you'll probably need to do more than just customer convergence proceedure.

Location: Far, Far Away

(This post was edited by jts1957 on Sep 2, 2009, 11:38 PM)

New User

Sep 3, 2009, 5:27 PM

Post #14 of 17 (3205 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

well the convergence adjusting i was doing was in the service mode, not the from the menu. The red and the blue wont move up and down and when i do get them to move it doesnt move right..kinda hard to explain. I will check the resisters and stuff and let you guys know whats going on. Thanks for your help again


Sep 3, 2009, 6:38 PM

Post #15 of 17 (3201 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

And since they weren't working correctly in the customer's convergence, you figured they might move better from the Service menu?
One is based on the other. Must be able to move red and blue from a normal center position in all directions (above/below/left /right). If red & blue WILL move left and right of correct center but not up or down in the customer mode it WILL also have difficulties in the Service mode (UNLESS somebody screwed up the service mode settings to get it that way in the first place.)
Kind of like compensating with adjustments for vertical size (due to bad electrolytics) rather than troubleshooting the vertical problem in the first place (and then having to reset the controls).

Location: Far, Far Away

New User

Sep 3, 2009, 7:30 PM

Post #16 of 17 (3198 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

no i never used the one in the menu..just the one in the service mode


Sep 3, 2009, 7:55 PM

Post #17 of 17 (3196 views)
Re: [clmowers] Samsung HCN4727W [In reply to] Can't Post

How does Customer one respond? Should have one (or more) of the following: A "One-button" automatic, a manual menu driven up/down/left/right (Center and/or multi-point) or in good old days, rotary controls.

Location: Far, Far Away


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