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Jun 2, 2012, 10:25 PM
Post #1 of 8
Samsung Plasma Fail
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Hey all... here's my issue. Please see the youtube video below and beware the LOUD buzzing sound. The TV does work perfectly aside from this but what I've discovered is that after I cut the power and disconnect any peripherals and turn it back on, which defaults back to the over-the-air (vhf) channel having no signal, let it warm-up for a minute so to speak, then connect the antenna coax cable to the back and bingo! She works. Rinse repeat after it's turned off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxC9frRrK4s Model: Samsung PN50A550 50" Roswell High gain antenna PC with Hdmi from ATI mini display port connector Playstation 3