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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
Samsung un46d6450



New User

Aug 7, 2014, 12:51 AM

Post #1 of 23 (5200 views)
Samsung un46d6450 Can't Post

This tv one day just stopped working. sometimes you can see the samsung logo but it fades away into blackness. Sometimes horizontal lines appear that fade away. You can't the the menu or anything. I replaced the t-con board, same issue. when I unplug then unplug the tcon I get a frozen picture that eventually fades away. Is this the mainboard or is it some kind of capacitor issue on the power board. Thanks for your advice.


Aug 7, 2014, 1:35 AM

Post #2 of 23 (5197 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

It's either the power board or the main board. Does the power light stay on?

New User

Aug 7, 2014, 2:29 AM

Post #3 of 23 (5190 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

yeah power light is on


Aug 7, 2014, 1:52 PM

Post #4 of 23 (5177 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Ok, the first thing I would recommend is that you remove the rear cover and inspect the power supply carefully for capacitors that have buldged out at the top, The ones located on the top right side of power supply are ussually the culprits, They can be easily identified as defective by expanded tops.
Are you able to check voltages on the power supply to see if the voltages are correct that go from the power supply to the main board
There should be a connector from the power that goes to the main board, the voltages should be marked either at the power supply end or the main board end, there should be a 5 volt stnby along with maybe a 12 voly line
If you have the standby voltage and the unit does not power the relay on when the power button is pressed most like your main board is defective.

New User

Aug 7, 2014, 2:49 PM

Post #5 of 23 (5170 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Yeah I have taken the back cover off and checked the capacitors, non seem to be bulging and caps are flat. I haven't been able to check the voltage yet because I don't have my multimeter with me. And thanks for the responses I appreciate it


Aug 7, 2014, 3:44 PM

Post #6 of 23 (5166 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Do you hear a click when you turn on?

New User

Aug 7, 2014, 5:34 PM

Post #7 of 23 (5162 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

yeah when I turn it on and off. Is thaat not normal.


Aug 7, 2014, 6:37 PM

Post #8 of 23 (5149 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Take out main board and look at bottom of board. Do you see any place that has over heated you will see brown marks where it has over heated.Next get a magnify glass and look at top of board real close.You are looking for ic's that are burnt out or voltage regulators that are shorted, maybe small tin caps that are slightly bulged.Try that and let me know if you found anything of interest.Try same on powwer board.


Aug 7, 2014, 6:56 PM

Post #9 of 23 (5146 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

On another forum you say sound no picture- Do you have sound?

New User

Aug 7, 2014, 9:07 PM

Post #10 of 23 (5143 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

yes I have sound, I did look under the boards but I didn't see anything that looked burned or anything. that would have made it a whole lot easier. hopefully tonight i'll have time to check voltage.


Aug 8, 2014, 3:46 PM

Post #11 of 23 (5115 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Samsung BN44-00427B (PD46B2_BDY) Power Supply / LED Board. This will fix your problem.

New User

Aug 12, 2014, 3:11 AM

Post #12 of 23 (5097 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

sorry had finals for summer classes and was so busy. thanks again for your help. does that clicking suggest its this piece. I can't remember if I heard it when I first got it. it always seemed to be there


Aug 12, 2014, 3:54 AM

Post #13 of 23 (5091 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Pretty much.Checked out my info and it comes to the sama answer.What causes this most of the time is a voltage regulator or short in transformer.Your power board and inverter are one board. Just replace that board and watch tv.

(This post was edited by flyatyou66 on Aug 12, 2014, 3:55 AM)

New User

Aug 12, 2014, 4:33 AM

Post #14 of 23 (5088 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

thanks again really appreciate it. hope it works. and hopefully i'll confirm it once I can get my hands on it. When I get enough money to get one I'll respond so anybody with the same issue could see what happens

New User

Aug 12, 2014, 4:14 PM

Post #15 of 23 (5076 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

I finally got home to check the voltage. Okay so on stanby I don't seem to get a voltage. I am connect positive to one of the teeth on the connector and negative to ground. then if I turn the tv on some have 5 volts, some have 3, some have 12 and two have 0

New User

Aug 19, 2014, 9:49 PM

Post #16 of 23 (5032 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

So I got a power board and it didn't work. hopefully returning it. This is what my problem looks like. is this a main board issue or lost cause. for some reason it takes some time for when the tv opens to get the laptop and tv fully connected. the frozen picture appears when I flip lvds cable.


Aug 20, 2014, 1:40 AM

Post #17 of 23 (5019 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Videos will not play on youtube.Would have been nice. Did the power board make any diffrence at all?

New User

Aug 20, 2014, 1:47 AM

Post #18 of 23 (5016 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

really try a different device its playing for me on my laptops and phone. no it's the same.


Aug 20, 2014, 3:16 AM

Post #19 of 23 (5013 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
So I got a power board and it didn't work. hopefully returning it. This is what my problem looks like. is this a main board issue or lost cause. for some reason it takes some time for when the tv opens to get the laptop and tv fully connected. the frozen picture appears when I flip lvds cable.

Try it without the last 'period'.

Location: Far, Far Away


Aug 20, 2014, 11:13 PM

Post #20 of 23 (4988 views)
Re: [jts1957] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

I was sure it was the backlight transformer failing but apparently not.How old is this tv anyway?
Are you trying to run you tv through your laptop?

(This post was edited by flyatyou66 on Aug 21, 2014, 12:40 AM)

New User

Aug 21, 2014, 2:06 AM

Post #21 of 23 (4981 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

It's only two years old. We got a new one, but I'm stubborn and am trying to salvage it, because it's not supposed to die this early. and it's not like the screen broke. I'm about to do cpr. did you get to see that video. again thank you for your time


Aug 21, 2014, 11:49 PM

Post #22 of 23 (4959 views)
Re: [Noor2222] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

Have you tried to tap on the tv when you have a dark screen? Try it. Next I need you to take out the lvds cable from t-con board to main board and clean it.thos pins and the slots where the lvds snaps into. Also take the 2 flex cables that are located on the top of the t-con and clean them up. (Some use an eraser on a pencil I use head cleaner or Isopropyl Alcohol)Thres a video on youtube on how to do this the right way.
I need you to press OSD (menu) to see what that looks like when you get picture on screen.All i want to know is if it shows up and is clear.

New User

Aug 31, 2019, 12:01 AM

Post #23 of 23 (3457 views)
Re: [flyatyou66] Samsung un46d6450 [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
It's either the power board or the main board. Does the power light stay on?

I had audio but no video. I changed out the T-con board and got foggy video with random low res artifacts. There also seem to be a problem with the power light staying on. Please advise. Thanks



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