
Nov 17, 2010, 8:15 PM
Post #6 of 15
Re: [jbelcner] Sony Trinitron KV-32TW67
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jbelcner;.... 1st off;=>.... first you need check all the cap around the flyback also check for cold solder joints in that same area and also on the crt board.if all is well change the crt socket or try cleaning it with a contact spray NONE of that will help here..... You have a heat related problem... When the set is first turned on, the picture flickers on and off for about 3-5 minutes. MOST likely , PICTURE TUBE !!!! jts1957 is MOST likely right.... You have a 15 year old Sony that the CRTs (Picture tube) generally give out about 10 years old OR less.... Changeing the tube is beyond insane... They're VERY costly , IF even available & NOT something you can do.... Open up the TV (Remove the back cover) & set it up so you have a pix source (Cable , antenna , DVD player etc) running into the TV... Look for the flyback.... That is the larger transformer that has the heavy red wire that connects to either the top or the side of the CRT & goes to the top of the flyback.... Keep your hands away from that heavy red wire as it has about 30,000 volts on it when the TV is on OR off....(Retains a charge).... On the side of the flyback (Usually the rear side) there will be 2 adjustments... One will be the focus control (Usually the top one).... The one under will be the "screen" control... Method #1=>... Turn the screen control SLIGHTLY Clockwise... Turn the TV on.... IF your pix comes on within 20~30 seconds & STAYS on , you are all set... IF not , turn the TV off immediately.... Turn the screen control a bit more Clockwise.... Turn the TV back on.... See if the pix stays on.... OR method #2=>... Turn the TV on , wait about 60 seconds & then GRADUALLY & SLOWLY turn the screen control till the pix appears... Stop turning immediately when the pix appears.... This overcomes an "Ik" problem that is due to the CRT getting weak with age.... PLEASE let us know how you did.....THANKS.... .... Later....Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Nov 17, 2010, 8:22 PM)