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Sony tv problem



New User

Mar 27, 2006, 11:57 PM

Post #1 of 11 (3197 views)
Sony tv problem Can't Post


I have a Sony KV-v26 tv, made10/97 that is completely "dead". I know precisely what kind of surge damage it got - a tree took down a secondary pwr line(breaker off) leaving my house and what it did was sent 115V thru all the neutral/grd in the house when i hit that breaker on, via a short where the line leaves the breaker box i didn't know about. Of all the electronics in my house(including stereo on same circuit as computer)only got my computer's pwr supply(was off), and the above tv(which was on).

On the Sony pwr supply board, it did not even blow the fuse but continued on the neutral around to the second vertical black 3 prong resistor with heat sink(location EY30 on top of board - 2s64834). It had partially melted and obviously what i smelled. Thru a knowledgeable friend i was told it very likely this resistor is the problem, and ordered that piece for $19.35. After replacing with the new one, the tv is STILL dead. Unsure

I have limited electronic knowledge, but it would be nice to find the problem, instead of spending well over $100(i assume) for a new pwr supply. If that's even the only problem. The tv was working flawless. Can someone please offer any ideas on a direction to go in or to try with a multi/voltmeter, like which pins to check at the plug where electricity exits the pwr supply for the next board(to determine if my problem is actually further beyond the pwr supply board and i fixed that?) I sure hope this tv doesn't need to be scrapped, but i know there are good new 27" tv's for under $200. Any suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED, and thanks in advance!

Crazy Mark


Mar 28, 2006, 12:13 AM

Post #2 of 11 (3189 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

alot of times on sets that are blown out by opower surges there is a problem with the Printed circuit bard traces burn up too!! Check the underside of the pcb and checkchoke coil at the ac line input .Most pwer surges that you described that blows up the set make them nice boat anchorsPirate

New User

Mar 28, 2006, 3:18 AM

Post #3 of 11 (3187 views)
Re: [techman32k] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

thanks for the response....the power supply pcb looks fine, except it looks very slightly discolored around the resistors where i replaced the one. What is a choke coil?

I suppose the main thing is to somehow find out if the power supply is working and putting power thru its multipin output plug, if not maybe it's the problem and rest of tv is ok. What's the pwr supply's purpose anyhow, what voltage should i check for at output, AC or DC? If it's bad and can't fix it with advice on here, then it would be a matter of finding a good deal for one, or junking the set like you said. What a waste that would be.


Mar 28, 2006, 3:43 AM

Post #4 of 11 (3186 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

If your insurance won't cover your problem, I suggest the landfill!


Mar 28, 2006, 5:19 AM

Post #5 of 11 (3182 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

If your insurance wont cover the est from the repair shop then see i+f you can get a servoice diagram to troubleshoot the curcuit.. Dont know how to read a schematic?? like said before good boat anchor or landfill.material.


Mar 28, 2006, 2:29 PM

Post #6 of 11 (3180 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

on the secondary side of the switch mode transformer you should have about 125 volts on one pin plus other low volts on other pins.if you have not then the power supply is shot or you have a short circuit somewhere else in the set which shuts down the power supply. a tv this old cant be worth more than $10 so cut your losses if its nothing obvious. the cabinet will make a good rabbit hutch for the kids.

New User

Mar 28, 2006, 8:42 PM

Post #7 of 11 (3170 views)
Re: [techchris] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

Buy the sony repair kit . it will fix your problem

cost $15.00 .

New User

Mar 28, 2006, 10:08 PM

Post #8 of 11 (3168 views)
Re: [dinhlnguyen] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

Are you talking about the KT3 Sony kit that's $14.50? How are you certain that will fix my tv's problem, even if pwr supply board is shot? What exactly is the important purpose for the pwr supply anyway, except another way for Sony to make $$$ on a tv they already made $$$ on new? With all the other electronic stuff i had plugged in and exposed to 115v on the neutral that work fine......anyone else want to comment?

To test the multi-pin output on the pwr supply board, should i just put tester's -(neutral) to where neutral enters board and then just go down the pins with the +(hot)? If i just trace the neutral all the way thru on printed side of board, any pointers on a dead giveaway i've found the problem(other than no current going thru)?

Thanks again -

New User

Mar 28, 2006, 10:39 PM

Post #9 of 11 (3166 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

Just replaced all part contain in the kit

I fixed 100 of them

New User

Apr 4, 2006, 2:56 AM

Post #10 of 11 (3128 views)
Re: [techchris] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi Chris,

i finally checked voltage at the 12 pin exit plug on the Sony tv pwr supply - all are reading roughly 40 volt(none 125 volt)? Does that sound right(i fixed pwr supply?) and problem likely further into tv(bad)??

What's your opinion on that Sony TV "kit" for $15 that will supposedly "fix" my problem?

Thanks for any info!



Apr 5, 2006, 2:56 AM

Post #11 of 11 (3108 views)
Re: [katman] Sony tv problem [In reply to] Can't Post

the kit will fix most normal sony power breakdowns but not all of then but whats 15.00 if you dont have a set to watch ..if you know how to solder then replace the kit.


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