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TDA9381psn23i0478 information?


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New User

Oct 13, 2011, 8:51 AM

Post #1 of 26 (3995 views)
TDA9381psn23i0478 information? Can't Post

I am new to this forum. I need some help about IC (TDA9381psn23i0478). Anyone can help me about this. I have sereach in every search engine but i cant find any thing about this ic. Thanks to all readers and waitin of your resonse. bye

New User

Oct 13, 2011, 7:39 PM

Post #2 of 26 (3985 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post



Oct 13, 2011, 8:21 PM

Post #3 of 26 (3983 views)
Re: [ Asif2011 & NotSure] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Asif2011 & NotSure;.....

I've spent about 30-45 mins searching the web for that IC including LUCK...
There are a ton of websites that claim to have the datasheet for that IC , however when you get there , it can't be found OR it's for a different IC...

Good Luck with this one....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Oct 14, 2011, 5:06 AM

Post #4 of 26 (3977 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

good topics...I like this type of topics....<img src="" alt="Unimpressed" border="0"> <br>

(This post was edited by sadiabina on Oct 14, 2011, 5:07 AM)

New User

Oct 15, 2011, 3:06 PM

Post #5 of 26 (3964 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

I am very glad to read your reply Smile and Thanks Ron thaanks for kindness. u r saying rite. I also did a lot of search bt the case is similar as yours. take care and live happyCool

New User

Oct 15, 2011, 3:14 PM

Post #6 of 26 (3962 views)
Re: [NotSure] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

checked, bt cant find but thanks to all responserSmile


Oct 15, 2011, 4:43 PM

Post #7 of 26 (3961 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 15, 2011, 4:49 PM

Post #8 of 26 (3960 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 15, 2011, 4:50 PM

Post #9 of 26 (3959 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

I took 5 minutes. Tongue

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 15, 2011, 6:05 PM

Post #10 of 26 (3954 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


This link goes to an ""akira tv 21WHS/3B SERVICE MANUAL"" which is NOT in the original posters post...

AND the correct IC IS in it !!!!
EXCELLENT work jts , I NEVER would have found that...
I have NO idea HOW you did that , but that's AMAZING !!!!

As for;...
The top line shows a TDA9361 , but you scroll down a bit & you get 2 downloads for a TDA9361 which actually turn out to be TDA935X/6X/8X instead....
That is for a TDA935X/6X/8X & is NOT the same IC as the one above this link...
(I found this data in 5 sec since I have this website bookmarked.)

So you have one positive & one negative which makes this neutral....Wink...

STILL GOOD job tho.......

Have a GREAT day & weekend....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Oct 15, 2011, 6:10 PM)


Oct 15, 2011, 10:18 PM

Post #11 of 26 (3947 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Akira was 2nd on Google's list. They also list some others that use same IC.

What datasheet actually reads is: TDA935X/6X/8X PS/N2 series. Which I intrepret as the "X" can be replaced by any number. Both PS/NS series are covered.
That Datasheet is good for the following TDA's (page 4):
(TDA) 9350 9351 9352 9353 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 16, 2011, 8:18 PM

Post #12 of 26 (3936 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


When I Googled for the IC yesterday (TDA9381) , I got a ton (~48,400) listings , all of which I looked at said they have the datasheet , but instead are websites that want to sell you the IC , have links to other websites that also do not have the datasheet , have the wrong info etc....

That Datasheet is good for the following TDA's (page 4):
(TDA) 9350 9351 9352 9353 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 9367 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388

I DID go to that website !!!
When I saw 9361 on the top line , & proceeded to the download & saw TDA935X/6X/8x on the opening page , who in their right mind would have proceeded to open that up & gone to page 4 but jts1957 !!!
Those wrong numbers to me were like red flags...
Who'd have thunk that that IC would have at least 21 different numbers but the same configuration ????

scribd came up , but since I'm on sloooow dialup , scribd takes a loooong time to load..
I gave up waiting because I thought "Who names their chassis after an IC ???"""
Another listing screwup , I thought....
Lernt sumptin...Wink...

What are you using for a browser ???
Maybe my Google is getting worn out ....Unsure....

I've said it before & I'll say it again;=>.....
jts1957 , you ARE the Master Googler !!!!

Have a GREAT day....Sly.....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Oct 16, 2011, 10:25 PM

Post #13 of 26 (3931 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Why build a different TV chassis for bottom & top of line sets? Just use the one chassis for both with more or less parts as required.

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 17, 2011, 12:29 AM

Post #14 of 26 (3927 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


Why build a different TV chassis for bottom & top of line sets? Just use the one chassis for both with more or less parts as required.

I guess that because that set is made in China , they want to keep it CHEAP , so they use only one chassis & keep it cheaper by naming it after the micro...Wunnerful....Unsure....
Not a sign of genius...
RCA did a similar thing with some of their chassis , (CTC169 comes to mind) but , they did NOT name them after parts inside...
Like "Flyback xxxx"...

When you are online , are you using IE , Firefox , Opera or ????

PS;...Did you get a "Thank you" yet ???....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Oct 17, 2011, 1:10 AM

Post #15 of 26 (3923 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Right now I've only set up the speeddial buttons, one-button logins, etc. with Firefox. I'm pretty sure I'll go back to Opera once I start setting its speedials, etc..
On Firefox, when I try to edit a previously posted post it gives me all that html gibberish (example: <img src="" border="0" /> <br> <br>). I can restore then add to a short post easy enough, but I don't experience that problem at all when I'm on Opera.
IE is only used as a last resort. Rick also loaded Chrome, but I haven't ridden on it yet.Wink

I really don't expect a thank you, I do this for the fun of it, to kill time, show off, etc.

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 17, 2011, 8:29 PM

Post #16 of 26 (3914 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


I had Firefox quite awhile ago & had glitches with it , so at the time I went back to IE-6...(Oh yeah , that long ago..)
Now with a newer computer & OS , it's time for me to give Firefox another whirl...THANKS for the info...

I do this for the satisfaction that I know I've helped someone fix their TV or helped them in one way or another...
I , as you , do not expect a "Thank you" , but it is nice to see one every once & awhile....

Have a GREAT day & week....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Oct 18, 2011, 8:13 AM

Post #17 of 26 (3906 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

You did a greatt job 1957 and i have known a lot but i want to know the difference b/w TDA9381 ICs having differrent code in last after PS/N2. can u help me in this? and i had alredy checked TDA9361 datasheet before posting. your search of Akira TV is realy a great job. I support the Ron's opinion. THanks 1957 and thanks to Ron.

Have a goooood day...
Take careAngelic


Oct 18, 2011, 8:56 AM

Post #18 of 26 (3904 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Beats me. Manufacturer's code? Morse code? Date code?

This site lists similarly numbered ICs:

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 18, 2011, 8:53 PM

Post #19 of 26 (3901 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


You ARE MOST Welcome....MY pleasure to be of help....Smile....

Now that de horse is outta de barn...

i want to know the difference b/w TDA9381 ICs having differrent code in last after PS/N2. can u help me in this?

Can you tell us what you are doing with the info that was provided ???
Are you intending to replace the IC ???
Are you troubleshooting the set ????
Was the service manual that jts1957 provided for your TV ????

Answers to the above questions will help us advise you.....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Oct 19, 2011, 9:36 AM

Post #20 of 26 (3890 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Dear Ron,
the problem is that i have bought this IC and now i am failed to place it in TV bcz there are other version of this IC that differs in code typed after N2. This IC is very costly and now i have to use it to get rid of this loss. U got my point Ron?
take care and Have a goood day

New User

Oct 19, 2011, 9:56 AM

Post #21 of 26 (3888 views)
Re: [jts1957] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

Dear, I have cheked that site. It provide the same data sheet as you have sugest before.
Have a nice day


Oct 19, 2011, 10:18 AM

Post #22 of 26 (3887 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

What was the complete number of the ORIGINAL IC?
I am assuming the REPLACEMENT IC is TDA9381psn23i0478.

What is the IC being used in? (Brand & Model number)

Location: Far, Far Away


Oct 19, 2011, 6:19 PM

Post #23 of 26 (3876 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post



the problem is that i have bought this IC and now i am failed to place it in TV bcz there are other version of this IC that differs in code typed after N2.

You know , had you given us that & OTHER info SOONER , we most likely would have given you different advice...
You did NOT say what info you wanted on that IC OR what it was FOR , just asked for help about the IC...
Had you told us "WHY" you needed the info , we'd have gone in a different direction...
We would NOT have wasted time & gray matter tracking down pinout info etc....
The IC is pricey because 1)..It is a microprocessor ...2)..It is made in China (I know that sounds odd , but..>>)..3)..Because it's ONLY used in a few CHINESE sets , they have you by the short hairs...
When we see that type of question , we think you are asking for a pinout on the IC for troubleshooting purposes...
U got my point , sir ???

My new questions are;=>....
Are you a TV tech ???
WHY did you buy the IC ???
Did you INSTALL it in the set YET ????
WHAT is/was the problem with the TV that made you buy the IC ???
Is the code info on the "original" IC different than the code on the one you bought ???..
I'm guessing it IS , but I want a definitive answer...

For better help , please answer ALL my & jts1957's questions....THANKS...Sly.....

As you UNDOUBTABLY know...
The numbers after N2 are the programming code...
This is a microprocessor IC...
Each model that uses this IC has a different code referring to features etc it is programmed to do....
Remember the older "TMP" ICs ???
Same deal...

Have a GREAT day & week....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Oct 20, 2011, 1:42 PM

Post #24 of 26 (3867 views)
Re: [Ron.M] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To


the problem is that i have bought this IC and now i am failed to place it in TV bcz there are other version of this IC that differs in code typed after N2.

You know , had you given us that & OTHER info SOONER , we most likely would have given you different advice...
You did NOT say what info you wanted on that IC OR what it was FOR , just asked for help about the IC...
Had you told us "WHY" you needed the info , we'd have gone in a different direction...
We would NOT have wasted time & gray matter tracking down pinout info etc....
The IC is pricey because 1)..It is a microprocessor ...2)..It is made in China (I know that sounds odd , but..>>)..3)..Because it's ONLY used in a few CHINESE sets , they have you by the short hairs...
When we see that type of question , we think you are asking for a pinout on the IC for troubleshooting purposes...
U got my point , sir ???

My new questions are;=>....
Are you a TV tech ???
WHY did you buy the IC ???
Did you INSTALL it in the set YET ????
WHAT is/was the problem with the TV that made you buy the IC ???
Is the code info on the "original" IC different than the code on the one you bought ???..
I'm guessing it IS , but I want a definitive answer...

For better help , please answer ALL my & jts1957's questions....THANKS...Sly.....

As you UNDOUBTABLY know...
The numbers after N2 are the programming code...
This is a microprocessor IC...
Each model that uses this IC has a different code referring to features etc it is programmed to do....
Remember the older "TMP" ICs ???
Same deal...

Have a GREAT day & week....Sly....


Dear ron I am sorry that you are misled and i got your point. I answer your all ques.I am son of TV technician and Have degree of MSC telecom. MY father doesnt know the english language there fore he is not known to technical language of latest Digital CRT TV and not know the computer knowledge. I know english and some knowledge of technical lang of general digital electronics . My father have been repairing the TV since 18 years. He knows very well the old TVs but now in case of revolution of digital tech, programming lang creates problems. As my father is technician and seller of TV parts so that he buy the IC (TDA9381psn33I0478) for a LG TV, in which IC(tda9381psn23I0861) is used. But when he place this bought IC(TDA9381psn33I0478) in LG TV then problem was not solved. after placing the same original IC(tda9381psn23I0861) then TV did function well. Then he checked the difference b/w these both ICS and find the difference in code now those ICs(TDA9381psn33I0478) are not bieng sold and not we can use it in any TV. again I am sorry to u. I was considered that you will solve my problem by giving you early information. now U r cleared Ron and 1957? and this time i am known to that this code difference is due to programming difference. thanx 1957.
Thanx a lot


Oct 20, 2011, 5:38 PM

Post #25 of 26 (3862 views)
Re: [Asif2011] TDA9381psn23i0478 information? [In reply to] Can't Post


Makes perfect sense to me....

Have a GREAT day & weekend....

Good Luck with your TV....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

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