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Aug 13, 2011, 1:52 AM
Post #1 of 15
TH-42PX80U repair help
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1. Story : working fine when i went to holiday, after come back didn't... 2. Symptoms : no picture, no sound, no OSD (tested on HDMI, and photos from SD card according service manual SD card is the simplest way to get picture). 3. Time line : a) power on b) relays click (two quick one and one slow) c) led is shining, no nay code d) backlight get bright, after while gets darker e) led lights shine on back (two one) f) tv stays in this state for a 5 min g) tv shuts off relays click again same way, front led is gone, tv is dark 4. What's tested : after disconnecting everything works like service manual say - tv give right code, fuses are ok, one capacitor was little round, i replace it still same thing Any ideas, ? greetings Pawel P.S. service manual shows to replace BOARD A - main board any idea where to buy this ?? maybe used one ? cheap
(This post was edited by pawel_podgorski on Aug 13, 2011, 2:05 AM)