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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:



New User

Nov 5, 2006, 1:54 AM

Post #1 of 3 (1229 views)
TV Can't Post

Aight guys, heres the situation. My parents are looking into buying a new TV. Currently we have a regular old 36" TV. My parents came home today, they went to go look at some TV's. They talked to a guy and he was telling them to get an LCD screen because they're the best and no matter what hapens in the future to TV's, LCD's will still be there. He also said Plasmas are good but after about 5 years they start to fade and you have to get them upgraded/or redone or something, im not sure.

They were looking at this TV here:

If you guys have any advice for what kind of TV they should get, know a website where prices are cheap, or anything to help me out. Please, tell me.

Thanks guys.



Nov 5, 2006, 3:30 AM

Post #2 of 3 (1225 views)
Re: [Jrmdb3] TV [In reply to] Can't Post

"No matter what happens in the future to TV's, LCD' will still be there."

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

I have a feeling that the current new generation of video media, ie: Plasma's, LCD's, and light bulb driven rear projectors ARE NOT the final solution. Each has it's own inherent drawbacks.

Your parents should go the the electronic retailer and carefully look at each type of TV. With LCD's in particular they need to actually watch it awhile and see if they're bothered by an LCD TV's inability to produce a sharp clear image while the image is moving. There is no such thing as an LCD that doesn't have a little Pixel lag and some people are put off by it.

Compare it to a direct view and see how they feel.

New User

Nov 5, 2006, 5:14 AM

Post #3 of 3 (1223 views)
Re: [MOtvGuy] TV [In reply to] Can't Post

We will be going to some stores tomorrow to go and look.

Thank you for the advice, we will be sure to look at each TV carefully.
And just for the point, what I meant is that LCD's are where its at basically. Now I wasn't there when my parents went to go look at TV's. But tahts what my parents told me what he told them. But most people working at stores dont know what the hell they're talking about.
Thanks once again man.
Do you have AIM or MSN so I could chat with you maybe and talk more specifically about it?



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