New User
Sep 21, 2011, 4:43 AM
Post #5 of 6
Thanks for the input. I'm going over tomorrow to look at it. She said it had the multi flat wire that the cable company uses for HD from the cable box to the tv. I think its called colorstream input on my tv. I'm not sure if it will make any difference but I going to take over a HDMI cord over and see that makes any difference. As for the red curtain, I asked her if it was just a red screen and she said, no.. that it was just like a picture of a stage curtain that was all red. Thats a new one on me. But I don't see very many tvs. She said all the HD channels comes in perfect but when she changes to any of the SD channels that it was always the red curtain, but she did have sound. I asked her if she had another cable box we could try, and she said the cable company swapped out her box and it was the same. I'm guessing that somewhere in the input of the tv its not sensing the change to 480i but as for the red curtain I have no idea. I did a google search for tv and red curtain and nothing like that came up. I was just hoping that someone had seen this problem before and might have some input. Thanks again, James