New User
Sep 16, 2005, 1:39 PM
Post #1 of 3
TV question......
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Hi, I'm new to this forum and just want to say hi. I want to ask a question about placing a tv near an airconditioner, or running a vacum when the tv is on, is this bad for the tv? I notice when i turn on the vacum cleaner that the picture will jump for a second, can this cause damage to the tv over a long period of time?? The same thing happens every once and a while, but not that often, when the air conditioner is running and changes speeds. I heard somewhere before that a tv, my set is a 5 tear old sanyo, have a magnet in them that causes this, unlike my computer monitor which doesn't flinch from the vacum or the airconditioner. I would appreciate anyones imput, i will have more questions later concerning the new models of tv's, such as the plasma and projectors, which I'm thinking of getting soon. Thanks and Take care.