New User
Nov 11, 2009, 10:34 PM
Post #1 of 8
Good afternoon, Yesturday I turned on my TV (Hitachi 62" HDTV projection, dont know model and got it used a couple of years ago) and noticed that the convergence was off 'cause there was a green outline around every image on the TV and made it look like it was 3D. I tried the magic focus and did not work. The green was completely off! I then took off the screen to see If I can try to manually focus and that did not work either. I was looking through the green lens and noticed that it was blurry with lines going through it. I took off the lens to clean it then I took off the back panel to see the boards underneath and noticed there was a lose connection to the green CRT. Then I went to the front of the TV and looked through the lens and it was fine until I notcied that the coolant was coming out not realizing that it was not scwered in and then a couple of mins later the TV shut off on its own. Tried to turn on again and then it shut off within 2 secs. Everytime I turn it on it shuts off right away. The worst of luck. What can be the problem? I looked at the boards underneath and it does not look like any coolant dropped except for the coolant that ran down the wire from the CRT. I dried off the coolant with a rag on the wires. Worst case is that a drop or two might have dropped on the board. Could this preventing my TV to turn on? If coolant dropped on the board and it dries, will my TV turn on then? Any assisstance will be greatly appreciated!!!