Jun 30, 2008, 8:31 AM
Post #7 of 7
I am a TV tech, I have never seen your model in my life but can tell you your replies are spot on with the exception I would replace the electrolytics around it. So why do I post, Well my hobby is building furniture from hardwood, I search the web or clues as to this and that, but I dont ask for my bum to be wiped. If you are prepaired to replace an IC, you have to have a method and tools, The IC is numbered, the guy gave you the near location. If you have not the engineering skills to work from there this job is not for you. You must chose, you have the clues, you have the internet, have you the skills required to fix your TV. My son is a banker, I would not trust him to blow up the tyre on my wheelbarrow, so its not an issue of being superior, we all have differing skills.