
Apr 30, 2012, 7:41 PM
Post #3 of 7
Re: [alanretel] Television Picture Disappears
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alanretel;..... You posted 4 times here & EACH time you said :=>... I consider you must look for professional opinion. Or words to that effect... THIS forum HAS PROFESSIONAL Techs HERE !!!! We ARE FREE !!!! Your spelling needs "professional" help !!! WHAT does "valorate" mean ??? 99.999999% of the people who come here get the help they need... You are contributing ZERO , NOTHING , NADA , ZILCH , to this forum when in EVERY post you tell people to call a TV shop !!!! You do NOT have any apparent TV training OR background to give advice on TV repairs... So better to keep mouth SHUT & be thought of as STUPID , rather than open it & remove ALL doubt !!! IF you continue to spam posts promoting a website for your TV company in Jacksonville , I WILL recommend you for banishment..... Your call .... Later...Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician