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Nov 12, 2017, 4:15 PM
Post #1 of 4
Toshiba 65L9300U
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I recently aquired a Toshiba 65L930U. The TV will not turn on. When I plug it in there's a green led that's solid for 10 seconds, then it turns solid red. The previous owner had it looked at by a technician and he believed it was the main board. The problem is that there are no replacement parts available on ebay for this TV. When the main board boots up it has a green led that blinks twice, then pauses for a second, then repeats. After 20 seconds or so, the green led blinks 3 times, pauses for a second, then repeats. The board model is v28a001478b1 pe1131. Does anyone know where I can get this board repaired or have experience with this TV?
(This post was edited by chochy on Nov 12, 2017, 6:57 PM)