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Mar 3, 2011, 3:01 AM
Post #1 of 1
Toshiba CF2028 trouble
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Hey guys, trying to find some guidance here...i've had this Toshiba CF2028 for close to 10 years and its been working fine...the other night i switched it on only to hear the relay click. The set never powered and no static, just the little relay click. I opened it up and checked both fuses, which are fine. Could it be a cap? Everything looked fine upon close inspection. I don't want to devote more than maybe 15 minutes to fixing this tv and at this point I'm close to throwing the thing on the street and getting an HDTV, but I HAVE A BACHELORS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING so i would like to think I'd be able to solve this...Unfortunately I do not have a multimeter...any ideas? Big thanks! <br> Oh I forgot to mention some other clues: when I switch the set on and the relay clicks, not only is there no picture on the screen but also the led numerical display on the bottom that displays the channel number is off, which is what leads me to believe that there is no power going to the entire set
(This post was edited by sickrick on Mar 3, 2011, 3:04 AM)