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Dec 29, 2010, 8:12 AM
Post #3 of 14
Re: [pmits] Toshiba REGZA 47HL167
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I bit the bullet and bought a new TV. Nothing fancy just, a Sony 46" EX5. <br> <br>I'm keeping the Toshiba as a side project. I haven't given up on trying to fix it. I just need more time. However, I can't go on w/o a TV in front of my favorite sofa. Also, I've lost precious time playing Gran Turismo 5. LOL! Anyhow, my next step is to find a ccfl tester. I'm guess that may be the problem. It's also easy to diagnose. I read that if one is bad, then the circuit is broken and the inverters don't respond. Kind of a safety mechanism. So I just have to find a ccfl tester at a reasonable price. By the way, you don't happen to live in southern California do ya? We just had a week-long rain storm and my apartment had several black/brown outs. Wondering if that may have done something. My cable box, PS3 and audio receiver are fine though so my surge protector did it's job I think. I've only had the TV for 3 years. I expected it to last a little longer. Good luck to ya. Keep me posted on your progress.
(This post was edited by bladerunner0427 on Dec 29, 2010, 8:17 AM)