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Aug 6, 2011, 1:13 AM
Post #1 of 3
Toshiba Regza 47ZV650U
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Thank you in advance. I have a Toshiba 47"Regza LCD TV (47zv650u) That suffered from a power surge during an electrical storm.... The symtoms are the following: TV Will power on successfully and the menu is accessible. Switching between inputs is possible. All menu functions appear to work. ANT/CABLE tuner does not work.. diplays green and pink horizontal half inch stripes. Changing the channel appears to occur but the display after changing is the same pink and green stripes. Component "colorstream" video inputs will not display , black screen.. audio outputs a single low tone, no source audio sound is present at any volume. ALL HDMI inputs appear to work for VIDEO only.. still has a good picture... no visible artifacts or issues. NO AUDIO FROM HDMI SOURCE. To me this sounds like the main board should be replaced, but I wanted an opinion before spending the $199 for it. Thanks for your review of this issue. -Christopher