Jul 9, 2006, 12:49 PM
Post #9 of 9
the mains smoothing cap is the big black one on the edge of the pcb, by the two red wires going to the degausse coils and I see the mains fuse right by it f501. plug in the tv and check for voltage on its tags.mind your fingers there is mains voltage nearby.If no volts you have a fault in the mains input .if you have a multimeter check for continuity from the mains plug to the fuse and the neutral pin to the pcb where the mains connects(DO THIS WITH THE TV UNPLUGGED OBVIOUSLY)!if you have voltage on the capacitor then the centre pin of the horizontal out transistor(which is screwed to the flat metal heat sink right by the flyback transformer with the red and orange leads coming out the top) should be unsoldered, the tv switched back on and check for about 110 volts on the point where you unsoldered on the pcb.if you have volts then the fault is probably in the flyback transistor or flyback transformer. good luck