Sep 27, 2011, 9:27 PM
Post #9 of 11
Re: [TeeVeeMan2] Viewsonic N2635w-2m
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Can't Post
TeeVeeMan2;.... A word to the wise.... You have 8 posts so far today... ALL very similiar... IF I see too many more of your posts pushing "" , I'm going to classify them as spam & report you to Admin to see if I can get you banned... Chances are VERY high that I can make that happen.... While your tech advice appears to be somewhat generic , it seems OK , but drop the constant;=>.. Try for parts, they have been fantastic with me in the past. I included the model page for your tv from their site below. Hope that helps!! When they want OR need parts & it has been diagnosed down to a specific part or board or ??? , THEN give them a helpful link.... Your posts ARE a front for "" & I think you are an affiliate for them & you may be getting a commission from whatever you send their way... Get the point ??? Your call..... Have a nice day........ Later....Ron.M....... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Sep 27, 2011, 9:29 PM)