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Feb 27, 2014, 8:36 PM
Post #1 of 5
Visio E601i-A3 Backlight
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Good Afternoon Everyone, I bought a E601i-A3 about a year ago and it has worked flawlessly up until now. This morning I turned it on and half of the screen was black starting from the middle and progressively getting worse. After a call to Visio turns out my warranty ended 2 months ago so it is up to me to fix this bad boy. I am no TV technician but I have fixed a few in my lifetime. From what I understand TV's usually have a backlight inverter but a search under this model brings up nothing. I have found: VIZIO E601i-A3 POWER SUPPLY & LED DRIVER BOARD AND VIZIO E601I-A3 SHARP T-CON BOARD But neither of these looks to be the part I need. Can anyone tell me if this model does indeed have a backlight inverter or point me in the right direction as to how I can go about fixing my issue. Thanks kindly! Ponzo