New User
May 21, 2006, 3:06 AM
Post #1 of 3
Hey guys...i've been seeing this problum and it pisses me off so badly. I've been playing PS2 games on my TV and it seems "high" end games have Veritcal Sync Probs..like God of War and MGS3:S So I was wondering if anyone else sees VC problums? When you turn to fast or whatnot you sorta see VC prob...if anyone knows what I'm talking about. I tired the game on my bros TV and PS2 and it does the same thing? So do you think it could be the games or the TVs? There not really old TVs but it ticks me so badly I want to blow up! I don't want Nintendo Wii and later on PS3 games giving me that prob...it won't be worth the SYSTEM with the VC prob. (It realllllly $*()*$ me alot) So does anyone else seen this prob or know how to fix it! Thanks(Sorry for Rage) EDIT-It's a Sharp CRT TV.