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Nov 6, 2008, 8:26 AM
Post #1 of 7
Zenith P42W46X
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I was given a Zenith P42W46X plasma tv that a friend was going to get rid of because he got a newer lcd tv. He said there was a problem with the display, but didn't get into specifics, so I figured I could fix it with minimal expense (perhaps not) and I took it home. Well, there are red and yellow lines on both sides of the screen but not in the middle, the picture seems to work there, but the sides are in a bad way. Anyway, I've searched for information about this problem, and people seem to think that it's related to one of the following: YSUS Board, ZSUS board, or the Control Board or whatever it's called. I was told something about a 4pin test on the control board you could jump with solder to get a test pattern, but that was if there were only lines and no picture at all. I could be very wrong with all this information about this particular problem, and If I am, please let me know, I would like to be able to repair this TV as it is very nice, and more than adequate for my needs. Here is a picture of the screen when it is turned on if that helps.
(This post was edited by Wobblebottom on Nov 6, 2008, 8:29 AM)