New User
Oct 12, 2011, 1:23 AM
Post #1 of 2
My bro dumpster dived a couple of 40" LCD TV's from a gym that were dead on arrival. They both had blown ad301m24-4n1 power boards. A quick google found many people looking for replacement boards ,but nothing is available anymore. I decided to put in the extra effort and repair the blown boards. it turned out to be a quick fix by replacing capacitors C39 and C67. These control the on/off circuit for the power supply. Symptoms of this are dead tv, tv powers on with popping noise and continues working until powered off again. If you want to check for this problem the capacitors will show some visible signs of being blown with a slightly elevated metal lid. Another quick check on these boards is the fuse located right where the power connector is. It is covered in black shrink wrap so you might miss it. Check it for continuity as a first step. ( underneath the shrink wrap is a 6A buss fuse soldered to the board.) Obviously if you don't know anything about safely working with high voltage , do not attempt this at home! Hope this will help the next person googling this board as they are no longer available. Cheers