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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
dead philips 24CE3571



New User

Aug 19, 2004, 1:06 PM

Post #1 of 7 (2167 views)
dead philips 24CE3571 Can't Post


As I was looking for some help, I found this forum.

I have a philips 24CE3571 which was hit by lightning. The set was dead, the main fuse was blown. I've been working a while on this tv, and found out that the main diode bridge was damaged. Some other problems have been fixed also.

Now I've come to a point where the smps starts up, but goes into over current protection. All of the secundaries of the transformer have been disconnected from the rest of the circuit.

Does anybody knows what the problem could be? Is the transformer defect? How can I test this? If so, can it be replaced or rewound?




Aug 19, 2004, 11:17 PM

Post #2 of 7 (2155 views)
Re: [@fundum] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post

I assume that you are refering to the power transformer and there is no way to accrately test it without some sophisticaed test equipment. It is possible that the power surge shorted some windings but under normal circumstances, transformers are usually very reliable. It can be replaced, however it may be just another unnecessary expense and you will have to keep looking. My guess would be something in the high voltage section Take a look at for a possible way to earn a free TV to replace this one with a little effort on your part. Good Luck

New User

Aug 20, 2004, 10:43 AM

Post #3 of 7 (2152 views)
Re: [mel] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post


I unwound the power transformer, and it is what I thought it was. Some of the primary windings were shorted. Can anyone help me where I can get a replacement part?

About those free TVs Mel, can I trust that? I have by nature a strong distrust in the good intentions of such websites. Anyone else who has some experience with this site?



Aug 20, 2004, 10:01 PM

Post #4 of 7 (2142 views)
Re: [@fundum] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post

You can call AVPI at (800) 421 0727 or Andrews Electronics at (800) 289 0300 and give them the make and model number of your set. They can look up the part number, give you a price and ship it to you if they have it in stock. The free TV site is ligit. They are listed with the BBB and they have been tracking my progress and giving me the status of my progess in fulfilling their requirements. The guy who turned me onto this site has received his Sony already even though it took a while for them to confirm his entries.

New User

Jun 19, 2005, 1:22 PM

Post #5 of 7 (1914 views)
Re: [mel] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey, Mel. I was just wondering if you ever received your free TV from I would be more interested in trying it if I knew that someone actually received a free TV from them. If you got one, how long did it take?

Also, I have isolated a problem with a Philips 9P5040 TV to the power supply board. Any idea where I can obtain a schematic or technical information for the power supply? How many different outputs does it have, and what are the voltage levels? Does the power supply output 5v, 9v, 15v, 130v and +/- 32v? I repair test equipment and power supplies and circuit boards from military aircraft for a living, but don't have any experience with the power supply in this TV.

Thanks a lot!



Jun 19, 2005, 6:46 PM

Post #6 of 7 (1907 views)
Re: [DZ] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes I received it back in December and one of my grand kids has subsequently qualified and theirs is reportedly in transit. The length of time required depends on how quickly you can get the 8 people needed to qualify. It seems like it took about a month after qualifying for them to verify, process and ship the set. Franky, I was a little bit surprised when one day, FedEx rang my doorbell and said that they were delivering a TV. It came just in time for my wifes birthday so we were both pleased.

I have looked for some technical information on your model Philips and can't find any so I can't help you there.

New User

Jun 20, 2005, 5:08 AM

Post #7 of 7 (1901 views)
Re: [mel] dead philips 24CE3571 [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for the info on the free TV and for looking for technical info on the Philips TV. They sure don't make it easy to find information to fix your own set.


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