New User
Jun 19, 2005, 1:22 PM
Post #5 of 7
Re: [mel] dead philips 24CE3571
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Hey, Mel. I was just wondering if you ever received your free TV from freeflatscreens.com. I would be more interested in trying it if I knew that someone actually received a free TV from them. If you got one, how long did it take? Also, I have isolated a problem with a Philips 9P5040 TV to the power supply board. Any idea where I can obtain a schematic or technical information for the power supply? How many different outputs does it have, and what are the voltage levels? Does the power supply output 5v, 9v, 15v, 130v and +/- 32v? I repair test equipment and power supplies and circuit boards from military aircraft for a living, but don't have any experience with the power supply in this TV. Thanks a lot! Dan