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display on screen


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Nov 19, 2012, 5:40 PM

Post #1 of 36 (4044 views)
display on screen Can't Post

Item 1 Vizio 42" Class LCD 1080p 120Hz refresh rate HDTV, E422VLE
Hello, first time user, so if this is wrong place to post give me time and I can learn. It did say "or advice" and that is what I need.
This is all with an outside antenna. I do have the online apps and a computer hooked up to the tv but not sure my concern applys to those.
I've had the above TV about a month and it is mostly ok. Good picture and sound. A slight hesitation changing channels but I can tolerate that.
Before, I had an older analog tv with a digital converter and remote that came with the converter and I had the info button with the usual info including what was playing and a description and what was playing next. I could read the text from my chair without straining.
With the new tv the text is smaller and I can't make it all out. Also no next on what's playing next. I thought this info was provided by the station, but now I see that the TV or remote has something to do with it.
Will another remote help or is there something I can do to tv. If not tell me what TV will have what I am after. I can still return or exchange. And advice will be appreciated.



Nov 19, 2012, 8:59 PM

Post #2 of 36 (4032 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post



I don't work on LED/LCD or Plasma TVs , but I can help you with this...
The program info you are talking about IS provided by the station & is processed IN the TV &/or digital converters ...
A new/different remote will NOT change the method of info displayed on the TV...
I have NOT seen ANY TV that text size could be adjusted larger or smaller...
NOT saying that they are not out there , just I haven't seen them...
There are plenty of digital converters that will give you advance program info & a few that you could alter the text display...
Not practical for your TV ...

If not tell me what TV will have what I am after.

I , or others I suspect , could not tell you which TV has what you want without firsthand experience...
My best advice would be to go back to where you got the TV , see a salesperson there & try the sets to see if you can get the advance program info you want displayed..

Hope this helped....Smile...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 19, 2012, 10:40 PM

Post #3 of 36 (4022 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello Ron ... thanks for your quick reply. I just wonder since it can't be only me. Or could it?
You said "There are plenty of digital converters that will give you advance program info & a few that you could alter the text display...
Not practical for your TV ... "
Are they not practical for my tv because of being complicated to make work, or is it the cost?
I tried the digital converter that I used with my old tv but no signal either with it turned on or off.
I just now thought of going thru my dvd player and recorder and using the remote that came with it. I used to do that years ago with a vcr player and used the remote that came with it. Not for this reason though! Just did it cause it worked. Can't hurt to try.
Anyway, glad I found this forum and thanks again for getting back to me.


Nov 19, 2012, 11:20 PM

Post #4 of 36 (4022 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

I have two Vizio LCDs. One is on a cable box and displays program info while the one with direct hookup does not therefore what you've got is what your gonna get. As far as the text size goes, the width button on the remote will change the aspect ratio of the set but I do not see much affect on the text size nor do I see a text size problem on either the 37' or 24" sets that we have.Unsure Need new glasses?Wink


Nov 19, 2012, 11:40 PM

Post #5 of 36 (4020 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


You said "There are plenty of digital converters that will give you advance program info & a few that you could alter the text display...
Not practical for your TV ... "
Are they not practical for my tv because of being complicated to make work, or is it the cost?

Neither !!!....
Not practical because your TV has a "Digital" tuner & the "digital converters" convert digital TV transmissions from the station to "Analog" outputs...
Unless you have video & audio input connectors on the digital converter & on the TV , it will not give you pix or sound...
Therefore , "not practical"...

I used to do that years ago with a vcr player and used the remote that came with it.

Years ago we didn't have digital broadcasters...
I doubt that if you try it , it'd work like it did "years ago"...
But , good luck anyways...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 19, 2012, 11:50 PM

Post #6 of 36 (4018 views)
Re: [mel] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Mel ... Thanks for the reply. Yes, glasses could very well help. I already was thinking I needed some new peepers for nite driving. Now I think a pair of progressives mite do the trick for both needs.
I still wonder what happened to the "next" part of the program info in going from my digital converter to straight thru.
Thanks again

New User

Nov 19, 2012, 11:55 PM

Post #7 of 36 (4017 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes of course that makes sense. I will move my chair a bit closer. I was already thinking of glasses. So I will see.
That will help with reading what is on the screen. Still don't know what happened to the "next" part of the info.
I'll hook up my old tv and see if I am remembering correctly.
Thanks again. I've learned something.


Nov 20, 2012, 12:48 AM

Post #8 of 36 (4011 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


The "next" part of the "program info" is processed in the digital converter...
If you are not using the digital converter & by going "straight thru" , you mean that the digital converter is not connected to the TV , you will not get "the "next" part of the "program info" unless the TV has circuitry in it to advance the info...
I presume you have the outside antenna hooked directly to the coax fitting on the TV...

Hope that helps...Smile...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Nov 20, 2012, 3:29 AM

Post #9 of 36 (4008 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Ron touched on a solution that I had not considered. Most modern day convertors and TVs have audio/vidio jacks that bypass the digital tuner on the TV. Instead of connecting your antenna to the TV, connect it to the convertor and use the a/v output jacks on the to the a/v jacks on the TV. This way you should get the same results that you had on your old TV. GOOD LUCK!Angelic

New User

Nov 20, 2012, 5:46 AM

Post #10 of 36 (4005 views)
Re: [mel] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Ron & Mel
A little hope ... I do have the antenna directly to the tv except it's thru a surge protector. I had already tried the converter turned on and off and nutton either way. I had not thought of doing what Mel suggest. I do have the outputs on the converter. I think I have the inputs on the tv. What I think is the "video in" on the tv is green instead of yellow, like on the converter. It has Y/V above it. I hope that's it.
Late tonite, but will try tomorrow and let you know.
thanks again

(This post was edited by charlesd on Nov 20, 2012, 2:37 PM)

New User

Nov 20, 2012, 3:29 PM

Post #11 of 36 (3992 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Mornin Ron & Mel
Ok, going thru converter didn't work ... same thing. No antenna wire input on vcr so trying going thru vcr is out too. So I'm left to decide if I want to accept what I have or take the tv back to Walmart.
I chose this LCD backlite tv because one of the reviewers said the veiwing angle was not as wide with the newer LED backlite TVs as with the LCDs. If you can offer any comments on that I would like to hear them. Otherwise I thank you for your time. You have helped me to know what is and what is not. I appreciate it.


Nov 20, 2012, 7:07 PM

Post #12 of 36 (3986 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


Before, I had an older analog tv with a digital converter and remote that came with the converter and I had the info button with the usual info including what was playing and a description and what was playing next.

IF you use the audio/video jacks on the LCD TV , you should get the same results as you got on the older analog TV...
There should be 2 audio in jacks...
There should be one video jack & usually it's a yellow jack..
Look in your owners manual for that type of hookup...

The chances that the VCR has a digital tuner are very slim & that probably is why it won't work..

Have fun....Wink...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Nov 21, 2012, 10:53 PM)


Nov 20, 2012, 11:57 PM

Post #13 of 36 (3981 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

If you want a good viewing angle, go to a plasma TV. My primary TV is a Panasonic 42" plasma which has a 160 degree viewing angle with no degredation of picture quality as occurs with my LCDs. Also, picture quality is as good as that of the 32" CRT Panasonic which it replaced. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the features that you are looking for either. There is no reason why using the convertor and A/V jacks on the TV should not work. Just make sure that you use the menu function to select the proper input .

New User

Nov 21, 2012, 10:04 PM

Post #14 of 36 (3971 views)
Re: [mel] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

"Just make sure that you use the menu function to select the proper input." Well, I did not think of that ... I'll try again.
I'm trying hard to keep this TV. I had decided to keep it and get glasses or move chair closer but now I discovered it will not recognize my USB drive. Maybe that's a software update or something simple. I'll worry about that when I've tried the converter again.
I'll post back with results. Thanks again

New User

Nov 22, 2012, 5:11 AM

Post #15 of 36 (3963 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Mel, it worked just like you said it would. Even better and easier reading than with my old tv. The picture is not as good as it is direct from the antenna but I can do some adjusting on that.
Now to the USB drive input. The input choices do not list USB even with a usb drive plugged in to the port. I suppose I should call Vizio support on that. If you have any suggestions I'd like to hear them.
Thanks for the help on the display. You kept me from having to do a lot of searching. And I mite not have found it anyway.


Nov 22, 2012, 7:14 PM

Post #16 of 36 (3951 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


What am I , Chopped liver ???...Wink...

Mel, it worked just like you said it would.

Like WHO said it WOULD ???...Mad...

From post #5 from Ron.M !!!!...

Unless you have video & audio input connectors on the digital converter & on the TV , it will not give you pix or sound...

Remember this:=>....
Post #9 from MEL !!!.. Wink...

Ron touched on a solution that I had not considered.

And how about this:=>..
From post #12 from RON.M !!!..Wink...

IF you use the audio/video jacks on the LCD TV , you should get the same results as you got on the older analog TV...
There should be 2 audio in jacks...
There should be one video jack & usually it's a yellow jack..
Look in your owners manual for that type of hookup...

You said;=>...

I had decided to keep it and get glasses

GET the glasses !!!..Wink...

I discovered it will not recognize my USB drive.

You might want to try out those new glasses & READ the insdtruction manual...
I'm 99.99% certain that the USB ON the TV is for possible future firmware updates IF & when they are available &/or needed...
READ the manual....Sly...

You're Welcome !!!!

Happy Thanksgiving...Sly...


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 23, 2012, 12:04 AM

Post #17 of 36 (3946 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello Ron ... Thank you, I have had a very good thanksgiving day. I'm full as a tick and rather get in my recliner and turn on the tv even though I don't have all the bugs out. I hope you had a good day too. I think you needed a good day more than I did.
First ... the reason for posting on these forums is so we don't have to lug thru those dull and boring instruction manuals. If we all read them we would not need these forums. Maybe someone already worked thru the same thing and has the fix on top of thier head and can help someone out and save them some time and aggravation. I would do it for you. My level of expertise is not tv, but computers. So if you have a computer problem head on over the "smartest computing" web site and sign up and sign in and tell us your computer troubles. No one will scold you for maybe a little oversight.
To my credit I replied directly to you 1 time and to you and Mel 2 times and then you stopped posting back so i did not include you. Reread all of this thread and I think you will see.
You have my sincerest apologies. I did not mean to slight you. From now on I will see that you are included in what ever I do.
Now please dry your face and get back into you cribb and have a nap. You will feel better tomorrow.AngelicAnd when you wake up will you read the manual for my tv and tell me how to get my USB drives going.WinkSo I don't have to.
Thanks and now we better get rested up for Christmas. You know we don't have the stamina we used to.Pirate

I think the ad for the TV said I could use the USB drive for veiwing family photos. Maybe I was trying to view someone elses family.Crazy

(This post was edited by charlesd on Nov 23, 2012, 12:15 AM)


Nov 23, 2012, 2:14 AM

Post #18 of 36 (3935 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


1st , I'm taking part of what you said with a huge grain of salt....Smile....

The REAL reason for posting on these forums IS to get help usually with a fault with the TV & NOT the owner...

99% of us do not stock a library full of user manuals...
In your case the answer could be found there..

The "smartest computing" web site I know of is;=>...
There are a LOT of EXCELLENT TOP drawer techs there...

I don't think I "scolded" you , rather I think I just gave you a little "jib-jab"...Wink...
IF you took it that way , then I'm sorry...Unsure...

I'm not in the habit of counting posts or how many I get vs whoever....
What matters is the accuracy of the content & quality of the advice...
But for the record , I posted 5 & mel posted 3 ...
You posted 9 ...
This isn't an election...

I stopped posting because I had given you a solution/help/guidance for the program info you needed in (Wait for it) post #5 & #12....
Also I wanted to let mel in without stepping on his toes...

Computers have "dull & boring" manuals..
IF you take the time to open up the TV manual , you'll see that on the front pages there should be what's called an "Index"...
Look for the pages that say "USB DRIVE" & just read THOSE pages....
Then you won't have to wait days for one of us to reply & you won't have to deal with Vizio Customer Support or Walmart Sales people...
Ain't that why they were writ ???..Wink...

Anyway , you have a GREAT day & weekend...Sly...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Nov 23, 2012, 2:21 AM)

New User

Nov 23, 2012, 4:38 AM

Post #19 of 36 (3921 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey Ron, I took what you said with a grain or 2 of salt too. I put the smiley faces so you would know there was no vitrol in what I said. I do know too what it feels like to feel slighted. I just posted back to you when you posted and to Mel when he did and a time or 2 there was a post from both of you and I addressed my post to both of you. The truth is after you did not post back a time or 2 I thought you had moved to something else. I should have addressed to both of you on the one. Not meant as anything. Just thoughtlessness is all. Sorry!
I do read user manuals. I have this one online is all. It won't let me cut and paste it into a document or I would. Then I could print what I need each time and go to my chair and read in comfort. Reading on the screen makes the lines blend after a paragraph or 2. Which is why I try here for a fix. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to get a fix from someone that has it rite off the bat. Then we don't have to wade thru a user manual.
I did get the help I asked for and I appreciate it. Both of you came to it together and I have learned something. And from that a bulb lit up telling me I could use the Roku with my old TV with the same kind of hookup if it comes to that.
And I did get a prescription for glasses, just waitin for another payday to getum made.
And thanks for the link to the computer site. I will ck it out.
Now let's try to have a good rest of the holiday
Thanks again to both of you.


Nov 23, 2012, 7:13 PM

Post #20 of 36 (3912 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post



THANK you for your reply....
No apology needed from you...

And thanks for the link to the computer site. I will ck it out.

You're welcome....

So if you have a computer problem head on over the "smartest computing" web site and sign up and sign in and tell us your computer troubles.

And that would be_______....

I do read user manuals. I have this one online is all. It won't let me cut and paste it into a document or I would. Then I could print what I need each time and go to my chair and read in comfort.

Perhaps I can help with that also....
I do that often....
IF the following doesn't work , please post link to the online manual & I'll see what I can do about it...
1st , download the file to your computer (suggestion , desktop) ...
IF you can't find a downloadable manual , post & I will see if I can find one for you...
When you have it downloaded , open the file with Adobe or my recommendation "Foxit" reader....
I have "Foxit" as it is not a resource hog as Adobe is & does everything I need...
So the following will be for "Foxit" reader..
Go to the page you want to print..
In the upper left area you'll see a printer icon...
Click on that...
You will get a new window that will print all OR selected pages...
Your choice...
If you have Adobe or other , you should be able to do the same thing...

With "Foxit" & I presume Adobe , there is a "+" & "-" at the top that will allow you to magnify & shrink the image &/or the page you want to read only...

I have not yet figured out how to "cut & paste" directly from "Foxit" OR Adobe...
I do have a way to select areas from a single page (Pix , schematics etc) that is a bit involved , but gets it done...
Not sure how well that would work for "Foxit" or Adobe...

Hope this helps....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 23, 2012, 9:33 PM

Post #21 of 36 (3905 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey Ron & Mel... I did get the manual downloaded to my computer. I already have Foxit and did find USB drives on page 37. I didn't try the directions yet but will soon. If you are curious the link is below. Mine is the E422VLE
I am feeling better about the TV. Thanks again for the help. Hope I can return the favor one of these days.
I'll post back on how I come out with the USB ports.


Nov 23, 2012, 10:41 PM

Post #22 of 36 (3896 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


Hope I can return the favor one of these days.

How about this;=>...

So if you have a computer problem head on over the "smartest computing" web site and sign up and sign in and tell us your computer troubles.

And that would be_______....

I really would like to know what that one is...


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 24, 2012, 3:00 AM

Post #23 of 36 (3888 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey Ron ... meant to do this on my last post. The website is
Truth is I haven't needed to use this one much yet. But a lot of the folks on it were members of the Smart Computing forum which was discontinued when the magazine changed their magazine's format. I really enjoyed it and they were a help many times. No charge to sign up or anything else. They do accept donations. I am charlesd on it too. Hope you like it and if not it will not have cost you anything.
They have catagories like the site you sent me. I kinda like all questions lumped into one spot. I learn more that way, I think.
Let me know what you think.
later charles


Nov 24, 2012, 7:00 PM

Post #24 of 36 (3877 views)
Re: [charlesd] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post


Thanks for the link.....Smile....
I went there & I'm inpressed....
My computer has been working fine for the last couple of years or so....
But every once in awhile it gets a glitch...
Not a problem at the moment , just a minor PIA...
When it gets worse , I'll definitely give them a shot....

Thanks again....Smile...Smile...

Have a GREAT day & weekend...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Nov 25, 2012, 3:04 PM

Post #25 of 36 (3865 views)
Re: [Ron.M] display on screen [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey Ron ... "No glitches in a couple of years or so" ... Sounds like you know a little about keeping a computer going.
I think those little glitches live down in there somewhere and they usually play nice. But sometime they act up and then we have to do something to calm them down. Sly
till next time

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