New User
Aug 10, 2011, 4:29 PM
Post #1 of 2
dynex DX-LCD-32-09 problem
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hello all!! my 32in. dynex tv is dead! Went off to work yesterday morning, and tv worked fine. Came home, hit the power button and nothing. no pic, no sound, only a black blank screen. the only thing that changed was the power button light changed from red to green when i hit the power button. thats it. so i would appreciate any help in discovering the problem to this. ive looked at most of the cap's and they all seem to be in pretty good shape. but honestly i really dont know what the hell im doing just to add a little more info...was just playing with the tv and noticed that when i hit the power button, after a second or two there is a slight "pumf" sound from the speakers. still no pic or other sounds. any help??
(This post was edited by cdcmaximus on Aug 12, 2011, 1:57 AM)