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Jan 9, 2011, 7:58 PM
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insignia52hd issues help.
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I have a 52in insignia HD LCD TV and it was working fine till a month ago here are my issues I am having. A box appeared in the top right of the TV it flashes video6/component1 or whatever input I have it on. The box will not go away and I have lost all functions the remote and the side buttons will not work. If I hold in any of the buttons on the side of the TV the box goes away when I release the box pops back up. I can also hold any of the buttons down on the side of the TV and then while holding down I can use the remote normally and all the functions work as soon as I release the button on the side of TV the remote no longer works and the box pops back up. TV is only a little over a year old and insignia says warranty has expired.