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Jun 20, 2008, 12:25 AM
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Re: [tpd2103] no startup ctc203
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RCA CTC-203 Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:27PM RCA CTC203 NO VERTICAL DEFLECTION-INTERMITTENT REPAIR BROKEN VERTICAL PLUG ON SMALL PCB ON YOKE WHERE VERT PLUGS INTO YOKE RCA CTC203 VERTICAL COLLAPSE INTERMITTENT REPAIR BROKEN PLUG ON SMALL PC BOARD ON YOKE AT VERT PLUG RCA CTC203 ASSISTANCE WITH CHIPPER CHECKER TECH AID DEPT 1.800.711.6913 RCA CTC203 CHANNEL DISPLAY NUMBERS CHANGE BUT VIDEO AND AUDIO STAY ON CHANNEL 3 GO INTO GUIDE+ SETUP MENU WHEN PROMPT FOR CABLE BOX CHOOSE NO RCA CTC203 DEAD OPEN RESISTOR ON POWER SUPPLY MODULE R14605. 330K USE 1/2W RCA CTC203 Dead Had 165 volt B+ plus in hot power supply 1 meg ohm resistor from B+ to the regulator circuit (open) RCA CTC203 DEAD SET RAW B+ OK ZERO VOLTS ON Q14101-GATE. R14103 OPEN RCA CTC203 DEAD BUT CAN TURN ON WITH VOLUME UP BUTTON AND SERVICE MODE CHECK VOLTAGE ON PIN 8(U13101)-IF LOW REPLACE SW13206-MENU SWITCH(215500) RCA CTC203 EXCESSIVE BRIGHTNESS WITH RETRACE LINES CR307 BAD LOCATED AROUND TERMINAL D RCA CTC203 INTERMITTENT AUDIO CHECK SOLDER CR11603 SMD DIODE RCA CTC203 INTERMITTENT AUDIO CHECK PIN 49 OF U12100 FOR 3.4 VOLTSIF HIGH CHECK LISTED PART CHECK C12309 (197600) CR12301 (227051) OR ORDER KIT 237930 RCA CTC203 INTERMITTENT AUDIO-MAY GO OUT WHEN CHANGING CHANNELS UNPLUG SET FOR 10 SECONDS TO RESTORE AUDIO RCA CTC203 INTERMITTENT DEAD MISC PROBLEMS SHUTS DOWN SOLDER CONNECTIONS AT T14401(IHVT) CHECK R14701(10OHM-1/2W) RCA CTC203 No audio Cold solder IC U11601 pin 10 RCA CTC203 No auto program Resolder surface mount components: C13114R13101R13110 Also check L12303 RCA CTC203 NO HIGH VOLTAGE FOR ABOUT 02-30 MINS COLD SOLDER ON L14401 NEAR Horiz DRIVER TRANSFORMER RCA CTC203 No sound problems There is a SMD cap off of pin #1 of U12101(LA7612N) whose glue at times goes conductive-just lift it and clean the glue off Also check L12303 RCA CTC203 No start up..Q14101 shorts intermittently Check for hairline crack T14101 RCA CTC203 NO STARTUP PULSES 3 TIMES DEAD SUSPECT F2PIP BOARD U18101 3.3V CHECK SOLDER ON DIVIDER RCA CTC203 PLAYS OK SQUEAL FROM POWER SUPPLY REPLACE C14107(0.033SMD) RCA CTC203 STARTS FINE-THEN LATER SHUTS DOWN TRIED TO RESTART 3 X'S Q14901 IN X-RAY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT-TOP OF BOARD RCA CTC203 WILL NOT DETECT STATIONS IN AUTO-PROGRAM BAD SOLDER C13114 SMD RCA CTC203 Service mode Apply AC to the unit and don't try to power up the unit Press and hold the menu button then consecutively press the power button then the volume up button RCA CTC203AA5 INSUFFICIENT VERTICAL DEFLECTION-WITH FOLD OVER GREEN PIC CHECK C4502(3300/25V)-POSSIBLE BROKEN LEAD RCA CTC203AA5 ONLY RECEIVES CHANNELS 7-47 REPLACED TUNER NO EFFECT REPLACING TUNER NECCESARY TO USE CHIPPER CHECKER SO EPROM KNOWS WHAT TUNER RCA CTC203AC NO AUDIO--UNPLUGGING FOR HOURS DOES NOT HELP CHECK Q11901 (SMD) FOR LEAKAGE C-E RCA CTC203AC5 Hard to turn on and when on channels continually change A solder bridge at SW13201 (power switch) to ground RCA CTC203AX BLOWS 5 AMP FUSE AC ARCS ACROSS CR14203 C14206 IS SHORTED ALSO CHANGE CR 14203 RCA CTC203AX DEAD CR14105CR14117U14103;R14121;R14605[5W330K]STBY;R14103 [1MEG] RCA CTC203AX DEAD SET REGULATOR SHORTED(244223) HOT SHORTS UNDER LOAD(242224) 5 AMP AC FUSE RCA CTC203AX IN THIS CASE IT DIDN'T RECEIVE DATA FROM PIP PRO & S/D UNIT Q101 244223 Q102 147664 RESOLDER SMPS XFORMER AND FBT;Q14103 [232218];R14107 [244214] 5A GMA RCA RCA CTC203AX SHUTS DOWN ON CHAN CHANGE-TRIES 3TIMES TO RESTART R18116IF 47K REPLACE WITH 100K [192084];C18121 [220132] GO TO U18100-21 ADD CAP FROM P21 TO GND [192096]PIGGYBACK TO R181114 RCA CTC203AX1 NO VERTICAL DEFLECTION. REPLACE U14501 VERTICAL IC #215531 RCA CTC203AX1 Turns off/on.off. No audio Diode CR11603 or CR603 as described on the board #232709 GE CTC203AXI LOOKS like tuner bad NO 33v at pin 9 of TU17101 15K 2 W resistor R14119 open near SMT on corner of module RCA CTC203CA DEAD UNIT-NO 5V PIN 51 OF IC U13101 GEMSTART MODULE DEFECTIVE PULLING DOWN VOLTAGE ON Q13503 COLL. RCA CTC203CA2 Blurry picture with white lines CR14701 shorted or poor solder Should have 76vdc on anode and 200vdc on cathode RCA CTC203CA5 Audio missing or intermittent CR11603 pn 232709 an SMD on the power supply line for the audio circuit RCA CTC203CA6 WHEN TURNED OFF THERE IS A FAINT GREEN AFTER GLOW ENTIRE TUBE NORMAL SYMPTOM CAUSED BY HEALTHY CRT RCA CTC203CX INSUFFICIENT HEIGHT AT BOTTOM & ERRATIC VERTICAL ROLLING C103C FILTER CAP BAD RCA CTC203CX PICTURE INTERMITTENTLY SHRINKING IN ON ALL SIDES Q402 BAD (NOT IT IS MARKED ON BOARD AS Q02) CURRENT LIMITER ECG123A RCA CTC203CX PICTURE TOO WIDE BOWED ADJUSTMENTS NO EFFECT ON PINCUSHION BOARD C14805 LARGE BI-POLAR CAP TRACES BAD ON PAD RCA Chassis:ctc203 Problem: Set goes into shut down at turn on. Solution:Leaky Q14901 RCA CTC203 Problem:No audio. Solution:Replace C11631(leaky) RCA F27665 CTC203ax1 Problem:Dead set Solution:R14103 Open 1 meg in power supply RCA CTC203 Problem:Will not turn on. Solution:U14104 open (12 v. reg.)RCA part # 162394 RCA F25432 CTC203AD5 Problem:Dead Set. Won't turn on no click, w/front pwr button or remote. Solution:Ckt trace damaged on AC Input side of R14202(1.8 ohm 15w). Comments:Trace looked like high voltage or lightning arc. Trace was missing next to resistor pad. Of course, no stand-by b+. Error codes:25,0,0. Code not listed in RCA info. RCA CTC203 Problem:Intermittent audio Solution:replace C12309 pn197600 it was cracked RCA CTC203 Problem:TV STAYS ON 1 CHAN, EVEN THOUGH CHAN #'S CHANGE Solution:CABLE BOX SELECTED IN GUIDE+ MODULE, SELECT NO RO CORRECT CHAN RCA CTC203 Problem:DEAD Solution:REPLACE R14605 1/2W330K ON STBY PWR MODULE RCA ctc203 Problem:POWER SUPPLY TICKS, WONT POWER UP Solution:REPLACE U14101, U14102 RCA CTC203 Problem:dead unit Solution:cr14105,cr14117,u14103 RCA ctc203 Problem:Intermittent blows Q14101 Solution:solder a piece of wire from T14101 pin 9 to R14105. Trace broken. RCA ctc203 Problem:intermittent turn on and shutdown Solution:Replace Q14105 may check good RCA ctc203 Problem:dead set Solution:REPLACE LEAKY CR14117 RCA ctc203 Problem:DEAD, NO SMPS STARTUP Solution:REPLACE R14103 1MEG RCA ctc203 Problem:DEAD Solution:REPLACE Q101 244223, Q102 147664, Q103 232218 RESOLDER SMPS XFORMER AND FBT RCA ctc203 Problem:NO USER MENU, CONSTANT CHAN SCAN, NO VIDEO CHANGE Solution:REPLACE C13109 PN 181460 OFF PIN 6 IC13101 RCA ctc203 Problem:Inmit. audio (Check pin 49 of U12100 for 3.4 Volts,if high check listed part Solution: Check C12309 (197600) CR12301 (227051) or order kit 237930 RCA ctc203 Problem: dead Solution: REPLACE Q14101 244223, Q14102 147665, Q14103 232218, R14107 244214, 5A GMA RCA F25645 ctc 203 DEAD (switch mode supply not running) fuse,Q14101,Q14102,Q14103. RCA CTC203 dead, fuse open. The Horizontal output transistor was shorted, Q14401, pn 242224,The power supply transistor was shorted, Q14101, pn 244223.A feedback transistor was leaky, Q14103, pn 232218.A cap cas smoked, C14103, pn 198556. Comments:The finally, and probably the cause: Ringed solder connection on the transistor base end of L14401, the HOT base coupling coil. RCA F27667 CTC203AA5 Dead. Power supply inoperative. Open R14103 ( 1 meg. ohm.) RCA/GE F26443 CTC203AD5 Dead,squeal,HOT shorted then No HV sound ok Resolder everything even if it looks good. RCA CTC203 Will not autoprogram resoldered sm chip and 2 resistors in sync circuit C13114,R13101,R13110 GE 35GT740 CTC203 Horizontal Width "Twitches". Usually when the set is cold. Faulty C14802, replaced. RCA F26632 ctc203 No power- shorted horz out xister Be sure to check L14401 coil for bad solder joint Comments:Problem can be highly intermittant, can appear to be fixed by replaceing horz. out xister, but will happen again, I have seen quite a few of these RCA F25432 CTC203AD5 Dead has loud squeel Horz out transistor 2SD2578 shorted replace and check conections RCA ctc203ax no power after storm cr14117 16volt zenier Comments:140 volt line was 76 volts RCA F27615 CTC203AX Had sound but no raster or HV Resolder L4401 choke from driver transformer to base HOT RCA F32669 CTC203CA5 Audio, no high voltage Replace Q14302 RCA CF27665 CTC203A NOT STARTING. Relay cycles 4 times then off resolder U18101 and area near top of PIP module RCA F27628 CTC203AA5 Dead with Squeal from SMPS Q14401 Shorted (237470) replacement is a 2SC5148 Comments: Resolder JW14104, may have intermittent connection RCA CTC203CA5 Problem:No vertical deflection,one horizontal line at the middle Solution:vertical IC Comments:Vertical IC original 8Bz041, can be replace with TDA8172. iF ORDER FROM RCA they will send TDA8172 RCA F26645 CTC203AW INTERMITT. TURN ON / INTERMITT. CHANNEL CHANGE BY ITSELF ON/OFF SWITCH WAS INTERMITT. RESISTIVE Comments: THIS HAS HAPPENED IN 2 SETS SO FAR RCA F32669 CTC203 erratic shutdown cycles off/on Q14901 or Q14902 leaky replace Q14901 #147665 Q14902 #215496 Comments:CTC203 F32669 Shutdown cycles off/on. Temporarily defeat shutdown by removing CR14901 MAY NOT stop cycling off/on. Replace leaky shutdown transistor Q14901 or Q14902 RCA CTC 203AC5 Dead Found broken solder connections on power supply transformer causing the following parts to fail. Q14401( H.O.T. replaced with # 2SD2578), Q14101(Reg. #244223), Q14102(#147665), Q14103(#232218), R14107(#244214), R14108(#244215), R14109(#179317), replaced all parts, and soldered transformer to solve dead set, all resistors were burned beyond recognition. RCA F32665 ctc203cx tearing pic, yoke making sizzling sound like bad Yoke rings good. replace c14504 PN# 190523 near vert op ic Comments:Had replaced HOT and fly for dead RCA CTC203 Has sound/no picture/high voltage missing hairline crack on solder on the coil off the base of the horiz. output transistor Comments: This is the 3rd one of these I've run into RCA CTC 203AX No tuner - Snow Replace open R14119 - 15K 2 watt - power supply RCA F25305 CTC203AXI No brightness, no high voltage, has noise in sound. Defective solder connections on L14401, located in base ckt of Q14401 horz output transistor.