New User
Sep 1, 2005, 2:27 AM
Post #1 of 4
old TV problem
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I got an old black and white TV, one that uses vacuum tubes, and has a circular picture tube, and it has a certain problem.. when watching my favorite show, Law and Order, I noticed the picture, when the houses AC turns on, the picture tubes picture shrinks like 2 inches for 3 seconds, then comes back to full size.. also, the picture is cut off on the corners (due to a circular tube), and is there any way to resize the picture to get the whole image on the screen, without the corners of the picture getting cut off? thanks. EDIT: I also noticed on certain screens, like ones with a certain shade of grey, the sound has a annoying buzz...
(This post was edited by X5-655 on Sep 1, 2005, 2:30 AM)