Jan 10, 2007, 7:07 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: [skycap] panasonic pt-dx80
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yes, you can replace it yourself if you have any solder skill and are willing to work on your own TV. you probably just need to replace two or three of the convergence chips that look like this http://www.mcminone.com/...ct%5Fid=STK393%2D110 Replace all of them at the same time. Make sure you use some silicon grease on the new ones, and replace the exact same part number. You may have to do some re-alignment once you put everything back together, but it should be minor. -Jim Riddle http://riddledtv.com -RiddledTV.com http://www.riddledtv.com/forums/
(This post was edited by kuhurdler on Jan 10, 2007, 7:09 PM)