New User
Sep 2, 2005, 9:33 PM
Post #1 of 8
proscan 35123 problems
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Hi I am trying to bring back to life a 36 inch proscan tv, has chassis CTC169EJ5, I really need a schematic, can anyone help me ? I have found c403 bad ( .48@250) also I have three resistors that are burned I cannot read the color bands - anyone tell me the values ? -R719looks like 1/2 watt, R121 looks tp be 1/4 watt. and R316, Could anyone help me out with a schematic ? so I can figire out what may have caused these to get hot? Also I am new to this group. I am very familar with electronics , I repair boards , power supplys and monitors from arcde games ,I am familiar with monitor repair, but every thing I have worked on up to this point has been related to arcade game repair .I understand electronics and read schematics well , But with out a schematic I feel lost Thanks in advance for any replies I may get, and I hope That I may help someone out someday THANKS ED