Jul 6, 2018, 5:55 PM
Post #4 of 14
Re: [dangertomyself] question about LEDs
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1) Yes. Backlights. 2) Yes. Strip removed. 3V - 3.6V applied in turn to each LED on the strip (with correct polarity observed) should allow each LED to light brightly. Or, apply 3V - 3.6V times the number of LEDs on the strip to the connector at the end of the strip (with the correct polarity observed) should allow all LEDs to light brightly. All tests results should be repeatable. Open, shorted or intermittent LEDs will affect results. In my opinion, issue with manufacturer shipping out sets with backlight intensity setting at MAX (which shortens LEDs life). Running most things at MAX is not advisably (try doing so with a car engine). I'm reasonably sure their engineers warned against running the LEDs at MAX, over long periods in an enclosed, not well ventilated area (as compared to their test jigs), but the TVs sold so well with the nice bright picture... Just for grins, see where your sets backlight intensity control is set (using a flashlight). ------------------------- Location: Far, Far Away