Jul 23, 2005, 12:54 AM
Post #2 of 2
WOW! That's older than I am and I'm ancient. I suspect that your problem is the microprocessor and getting that fixed will cost the major portion of the cost of a new TV. Only hands on trouble shooting can tell if this is really the problem. I'm going to put in another plug for www.FreeFlatScreens.com here as a way for anyone to expend a little effort and receive a free 27" Sony TV. I am a great believer in their progarm because both I and one of my grandsons have received a new TV at no cost to us (actually, my grandson signed up for the Blockbuster DVD rentals but hae found that it was cheaper than renting DVDs locally as he was doing).
(This post was edited by mel on Jul 23, 2005, 1:35 AM)