Repair man

Feb 1, 2009, 11:33 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: [chris rod] samsung model hcn653w
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Hi Chris -- Can you check your convergence board for 'Pico Fuses'. Some convergence boards have pico fuses that will open when the convergence ICs go bad. Some convergence boards just have jumper wires where the pico fuses would normally be. If you check out the link below you can see a close-up of the convergence board and where these pico fuses are located. The pico fuses look like small resistors but they do not have the color coded stripes that resistors have, instead they will have the amperage written on them (ex: 3amp) If your board has the fuses and one (or both) are open then this would not allow you to adjust convergence. Another possibility is that some of the resistors on the board have changed value. This can happen when an IC shorts. You can sometimes see a burnt resistor if you look closely. One other possibility is that when you had the board off you mixed up the plugs that go to the green, red and blue convergence yokes; check to see if you plugged them into their correct sockets. Dan Samsung Convergence ICs Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you (or anyone reading this post) have any further questions or need clarification please feel free to contact me direct; you can find my email address by clicking on my user-name. Learn Plasma TV Repair _________________ Learn LCD TV Repair
(This post was edited by Repair man on Feb 1, 2009, 11:38 PM)