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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: TV Repair Forum:
sound no pictue



New User

Mar 31, 2008, 7:47 PM

Post #1 of 5 (1135 views)
sound no pictue Can't Post

help! i have a old 1992 zenith 52 inch projection t.v. i turned it on the other day, i have sound but no picture just black screen , any help would help. thanks


Mar 31, 2008, 10:30 PM

Post #2 of 5 (1125 views)
Re: [jstoas] sound no pictue [In reply to] Can't Post

Before every one here starts telling you to check the horizontal circuit and replace caps and fuses lets just simply look at the age of this set, It is 16 years old and in TV years thats old so before you start pouring out a ton of cash to repair this just remember your set has out lived almost 99% of the sets built in 1992
Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.

New User

Apr 1, 2008, 6:56 PM

Post #3 of 5 (1115 views)
Re: [mikemaiertv] sound no pictue [In reply to] Can't Post

yes you are right , it is old it's a 1997 not 92 my mistake but it's still old . just wondering if i could repair it for a couple hundred bucks , or should i just shoot it and move on ! thanks again

New User

Apr 2, 2008, 4:28 AM

Post #4 of 5 (1018 views)
Re: [jstoas] sound no pictue [In reply to] Can't Post

Now granted Mikemaiertv has a point and it is a shame that most people junk these old sets!!!!
I would reccommend finding a good tech in your area that will give you a resonable quote on repair,
This will be pretty hard for a consumer to fix. It just kills me that I see hundreds of these getting thrown
everyday!!! But if you are unable to get a cheap fix then the choice is obvious. If you upgrade make sure to research
your HDTVs and buy something that will last!

New User

Apr 8, 2008, 8:17 PM

Post #5 of 5 (902 views)
Re: [shopjimmy] sound no pictue [In reply to] Can't Post

hello shopjimmy, where i live the nearist repair shop is about 150 miles away, they also said they would have to find diagrams to find the problem . they are the only one who would look at it, but i have to bring it there. seems to me to be a waste of 3.45 a gallon to drive. is there something i could look for ? i did repair it 4 years ago with a 9-1431-01 mod. thanks for the reply.


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